How To Use The Elemental Energies To Recharge Your Batteries


In this fast changing world, we need to keep pace to be not left behind. We strive hard to beat deadlines, seek to fulfill our plans and goals, and be in constant motion to stay smart and productive.

While all these are helpful in creating the life we want to live, our bodies can sometimes get exhausted and overwhelmed.

Hence, we need to pause, take a rest, and recharge the inner batteries that keep us moving.

There’s no need to wait to get drained. As symptoms of overload start to appear, let’s give our bodies the much needed break it deserves.

It doesn’t have to be long or complicated. We can recharge our batteries by simply tapping into the power of elemental energies.

How To Use The Elemental Energies To Recharge:use-the-elemental-energies-to-recharge-your-batteries

1. Air Element

Air element is essential for the survival of all living creatures. Without it, life wouldn’t be possible.

Seen as active, thin, and movable, air embodies freshness, happiness, intelligence, and mercy.

The energies that the element of air brings help in keeping our focus and rational thinking as well as open our mind to cosmic events.

How to fully connect:

Find a place, preferably an open space, where the air is clean and where you can feel the movement of the wind.

Nature is ideal, like a field or a mountain. But if it’s not possible, a roof or terrace is the best alternative.

Breathe deeply and feel the wind as it touches your face and your skin. Feel it as it blows your hair. Let go, have fun, and allow it to rejuvenate all your energies.

2. Water Element

The water is seen as a cleansing, healing, psychic, and loving element.

Water quenches our thirst and supports us when we swim.

Because water is the element of emotion and subconscious, a connection with it eases depression and the pains brought about by passions.

How to fully connect:

If you feel like crying, do it because it’s a means of connecting with water. By allowing your tears to flow down your cheeks, you allow bottled up emotions to flow with it.

A good cry reduces your stress and calms your mind. Water can also be used as an object for meditation, which can be done by feeling every drop of rain that falls on your face.

Another way is by moving your hand through a stream, lake, pool, or a bowl full of water. Feel its fluidity as it refreshes and energizes you.

3. Fire Element

Being the sole element that shines, fire is the purest of all the elements. Fire is used in rituals because it’s a small form of purgatory where the purging of negative emotions can be done.

It’s transformative as it converts the energy of other objects into other forms, like heat, ash, light, and smoke.

If you feel lethargic about life, connecting with this element re energizes you.

How to fully connect:

Go out on a sunny day and feel the warmth and light of the sun on your skin. Sun gazing at sunrise or sunset is even said to provide a lot of health benefits.

Set a fire in your fireplace and hear the crackling of logs as fire consumes it. Meditate on it while smelling its smoke.

Another way is to light a candle and gaze into its transformational flame. Allow yourself to immerse in the energy of fire.

4. Earth Element

The element of earth is famed for its grounding benefits. Being the foundation of all the other elements, the earth is where the seeds of all things grow.

It’s an element of stability as well as the foundations of the body. It’s the realm of wisdom, knowledge, strength, growth, and prosperity.

Because it’s fertile and nurturing, Earth is also seen as our mother that provides us nourishment and shelter.

How to fully connect:

Press your hand against fresh soil to feel its vitality and stability.

If you have an access to a field, you can perform a sitting meditation. Sit on the ground and breathe deeply. Imagine your energy reservoir as a root that digs deeply into the Earth.

Allow the energy of the Earth to nourish this root until you feel calm and revitalized.

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