6 Ways Staying Near Water Can Affect Your Health Positively


People associate water with calm, relaxation and connection. In fact, when taking vacations, spending a day at the beach is often included on the to do list.

We often see large crowd of people gathered at the beach, by the lake, or at the waterfalls than we do in the mountains. This is how we can see the magical effect of the water element has on people.

In an interview with the Huffington Post, marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols said that we have a “blue mind” that he describes as a mildly meditative state characterized by calm, peacefulness, unity, a sense of happiness and a satisfaction with life at the moment, which are all triggered when we’re in or near water.

Water has a positive effect on our brains due to its simplicity. It’s a kind of break our brain needs from the clutter it has always been exposed to.

By gazing at the blue sea or serene lake, our thoughts suddenly pause for a while from all the overstimulation. Even listening to the sounds of a running brook or splashing waves can turn our minds into a relaxed and hypnotic like state.

Aside from the transformative and healing effects water has on us, it also boosts our mental health and enhances our well being.

6 Ways Staying Near Water Can Affect Your Health:staying-near-water-can-affect-your-health-positively

1. Water calms your mind.

Water can calm your mind not only through observation but also through listening to the sounds of different water forms.

Listening to the sound of the crashing waves by the sea alters your brain’s wave patterns and induces a meditative state. Observing the water’s movement also calms your mind.

When your mind is in a state of calm, your stress levels drop, and your mind becomes much clearer.

2. Water helps you to get creative.

Because staying near water promotes a relaxed state of mind, your brain opens up to more inspiration and creativity.

Great insights only come up when your mind is switched off from overstimulation. And water has the ability to naturally get your focus off from that million thoughts.

3. Water amazes you in unexpected ways.

By simply observing water that cascades over a lofty waterfall, you can’t help yourself but be amazed and feel a sense of awe.

Recent studies that explored the feelings of awe found the connection between the experience of awe and an enhanced critical and creative thinking faculties.

By being in a state of awe, you immerse yourself in the present moment.

4. Water amplifies the benefits you get from exercise.

Water alone has its own benefits. When combined with exercise, like running or walking by the sea, you’re increasing ten folds the benefits that you reap.

It’s because you’re surrounded by an environment that triggers a more positive benefit to exercising and increases the negative ions into your system.

5. Water provides you more negative ions.

The positive and negative ions have an influence on how we feel.

Positive ions emitted by electrical appliances, like computers and microwaves, drain our natural energy. On the other hand, negative ions that are generated by water forms, like waterfalls, ocean waves, and thunderstorms, enable us to absorb oxygen much quickly.

Negative ions help us balance our serotonin levels and rejuvenates our mind, making us more alert and focused.

6. Water revitalizes your body.

When you submerge yourself in a sea or lake, the natural water revitalizes your body. The cold chill of the water soothes and treats your nerves while refreshing your body and stimulating your mind.

A warm water relaxes your muscles and eases your body of tensions.

If you’re feeling out of the blue, treat your blue mind with a blue space.

Whether you choose to be in the sea or be at your locality’s fountain, your brain is sure to achieve a mental clarity and you will have that extra dose of a sense of well being.

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