The 3 Levels Of Consciousness All Experience Before Enlightenment


Consciousness is referred to as the state of being aware of yourself, your thoughts, emotions, and feelings and the relationship you have with the world around you.

In the evolution of consciousness, your soul goes through three transformational processes. That is, if you do your inner work.

A part of our purpose in coming into this world is to become what we are destined to be, to become fully conscious humans.

If you’re doing your inner work, you can check your progress by knowing the three levels consciousness goes through before enlightenment is reached.

When you find you’re stuck in level one, don’t get disappointed. Having that awareness is a milestone in your journey. We reveal the key elements of each level to move forward.

The 3 Levels Of Consciousness Before Enlightenment:levels-of-consciousness-all-experience-before-enlightenment

1. Ordinary Consciousness

The first and lowest level of the evolutionary process of our consciousness is where we all begin.

This level of consciousness is mostly engaged in the past and the future, seldom in the present moment. All revolve around the past and the future.

The past is often looked upon as a tool for reminding what didn’t work and what should be improved in the future.

In this state of consciousness, the opinions of others matter most and meeting the expectations of others is highly valued.

You identify yourself with the role that you play in the society. Striving to be a good husband, wife or employee is of utmost importance. You don’t question your inner identity because you can’t see it except for the roles you’re expected to play.

The ego plays a bigger role in this state of consciousness, it’s the thing that pushes you to become much better and ahead of the game.

Yet, despite your accomplishments, you still feel empty and maybe even less confident than you were. You can’t see beyond the pre determined rules of society an your ego.

However, the moment you start questioning society, your ego and the shoulds of others, it’s the moment your consciousness starts evolving to the next level.

2. Awakening

The state of awakening comes when you come to the realization of your own self. Of your own reality and the ordinariness of your existence.

It’s when you peak behind the roles you play. You feel that there is something more to these roles and the thoughts that reign over your mind.

You become exhausted by the rules and start to long for freedom. Becoming more conscious and alert, you begin to find your own truth and the purpose you have in this life.

As you gain momentum, you discover the power hidden in self control, not the one rooted in punishment and reward, but rooted in your own understanding of life’s meaning.

This self control liberates your consciousness from identification with the world and provides you the space for your own personal experience.

And as you train and expand your self control you slowly raise your consciousness to the third level.

3. Complete Freedom

The third level is the final liberation and the true celebration of life, the highest peak in the evolution of consciousness where nothing matters but the present moment.

This state of consciousness opens up a whole new world, new perspectives, and an entirely new dimension of existence where you come to embrace the duality of everything.

You start to accept that light and darkness are equally important in your growth, existence, and evolution.

You ultimately come into terms with life, seeing it as it really is, with no ifs and buts, shoulds and coulds. You realize it’s the present moment that is truly real.

You then connect to the peace and quiet within, unmoved by the good and evil, without judgment, and in full connection with other souls and life forms.

In this state of consciousness, you go beyond differences and become as one with others, celebrating life and being joyful of your existence and perfect freedom.

Staying within this state of consciousness leads to enlightenment.

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