6 Ways How To Tap Into Your Heart’s Intelligence And Wisdom


In life, you may have certainly been in a situation where you need to decide between the contradictory opinions of your heart and your mind.

Things become more difficult when people remind you that your head is where your brain is because it’s higher. Though your heart is protesting, you follow what looks logical and correct.

For decisions involving the most correct choice, like whether or not you should dump a narcissist partner, it’s only wiser to decide with the mind.

However, the function of your heart goes far beyond supporting life.

The heart is also an intelligent organ that interferes with your decision making process, the reason why it wants to be given due consideration at times.

How To Tap Into Your Heart’s Intelligence And Wisdom:how-to-tap-into-your-hearts-wisdom

The heart as Hridaya

Researcher Gregg Braden has dug into the ancient technique of using the heart as an intelligent organ.

The functions of the heart go far beyond supporting life and sending blood all throughout the body. It has a wisdom that’s not influenced by the ego.

As such, it gives you information from a neutral place. Your heart knows your past, present, and future. Since it does not have any egoic tendencies, it always has your best interest at heart.

The Sanskrit word Hridaya, which comes from ‘Hrid’ meaning ‘center’, and ‘Ayam’ meaning ‘this’, describes the heart’s intellect as the energy that is contained within the heart chakra.

More than a physical heart, it also is a spiritual heart that contains the intelligence of God or the transcendental mind.

This spiritual heart sees to it that you perceive things from your center and not stray away from your Highest Self.

The yogi Bhagavan describes the heart center as a seat of Pure Consciousness, realized Existence, Knowledge, and Bliss.

The mind of your brain operates from your past experiences and past erroneous beliefs assigned to those experiences. In short, it creates false perceptions just to arrive what for you is the ‘right’ answer, even topping those false concepts with emotional investment.

The Heart’s Neurobiology

The neurobiology of the heart has this significant points:

– The heart has more fibers leading to the brain than from the brain to the heart, making more communication to take place in the heart.

– The heart of an unborn fetus beats before the brain has been formed. And humans form an emotional brain before a rational one. 

– The heart has an independent complex nervous system known as the ‘brain of the heart.’

– The heart can create coherence in the body through its rhythm.

– The heart’s electromagnetic field is greater than that of the brain, which can be detected several feet away.

– The heart has wisdom.

The wisdom of the heart is what provides us with clear decisions that are being governed by our highest self. Gregg Braden suggests the following tips to tap into the heart’s intelligence.

6 Tips On Tapping Into The Heart’s Intelligence

1. Focus on your heart with the intention of seeking its intelligence.

2. Breathe slowly to calm your nerves and silence your brain.

3. Have a deep sense of gratitude, compassion, and love to activate the heart’s energy.

4. Ask a brief and accurate question to your heart.

5. Notice the different feelings or bodily sensations.

6. Keep this practice regularly.

The heart’s intelligence is subjective and wouldn’t be the same for everyone. You may feel butterflies in the gut, a warm sensation throughout your body, or tingling in the fingertips. Or, you might even receive a clear, short and kind answer in your mind.

Establishing this deeper connection with your heart takes time. Persist with the practice and listen to your heart more.

There’s no reward as great as listening to your heart that’s leading you to your purpose.

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