This July Rant From The Heart: Get Up, Brush Off, Look Straight, Love Stronger…


Every person, once they take a glimpse of their purpose, once their heart fills up with joy, motivation and excitement, thinks they can tackle anything on their way.

But as you start following your purpose, the joy, motivation and excitement slowly fade away because that’s normal for emotions. The path gets harder. You start facing obstacles.

Suddenly the people around you, people you love and care about turn against you. Some friends might even ridicule you. Others might think you are crazy.

Many people judge you, they question your sanity, you might even question your own sanity. False opportunities open up, distractions multiply.

Suddenly it seems that everyone around you is having more fun than ever but you have to follow your purpose.july-rant-from-the-heart

You have to do things that bring you closer to your dream.

And let’s be clear, most of the things you need to do are not fun at all. They are mundane tasks that are necessary.

You might even doubt if it’s worth it.

And as you doubt there will be just enough push from The Universe and signs around you to remind you why you fo what you do.

And you will have just enough will to continue, if you choose to. And as you continue, more obstacles will come.

There will be moments all you want is to just take a breath, to pause for a second, but in those moments problems will arise. They will try to kick you when you are down.

And if you quit, you will be relieved for a day. But the next day you will do anything to not have quitted.

Because when we are tired we want to rest, when we are cold we want to be hot, when we are thirsty all we want is to drink something.

But if we drink something unhealthy, at first we will feel better, but later we will regret. We regret it because it’s not what we really wanted.

It’s because our mind knows what you want momentarily, but if you listen to your heart it knows what you really want. And sometimes, what you really want will not be comfortable.

So as you follow your purpose, and as these obstacles start ganging up on you, beating you down, do not quit.

Take the beating, get up, brush up.

Look at them, look at them straight at their eyes, smile and keep doing what you did.

You will get closer to your dream, and then problems will arise again. And they will still try to beat you up.

But again, get up.

Brush up.

Look at them straight.

Smile and keep going even harder at tackling your dream.

People will judge, problems and obstacles will arise, distractions will show, you will doubt yourself, you will feel confused, you’ll be tired.

But if you don’t quit everything will pass.

As these things try to knock you down, they might sometimes succeed. But it’s ok. It’s not about who is stronger, it’s about who is more persistent.

Get up, brush off, look straight, and love even stronger!

And there will come a moment when these things cannot even hurt you anymore because their beating has made you stronger.

And you’ll thank them as you make your beautiful dream a reality and follow your purpose.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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