5 Things Each Person Can Do To Help People Struggling With Mental Health


Mental health is as important as any other type of health. Mental illness is a global issue. People start to see mental illnesses as a real problem but many still have prejudices about what mental illnesses really are.

Just because something can’t be seen it does not mean it’s not real. Someone struggling with clinical depression needs care and support as much someone with broken arm. Maybe even more. Imagine being sick and having nobody around you to help you heal.

My point is that people struggling with mental health issues usually struggle alone because people around them can’t see their problem and can’t understand their pain. But they don’t have to. There are ways you can help people struggling with mental health.

In this modern society with advanced technology there are countless ways to get to the right information, to educate yourself and find ways to give a helping hand. There are countless ways to make people connect, share and help each other.

Depression, panic attacks and anxiety are a global epidemic. There are certainly people around you who suffer in silence. Maybe it’s even you. But if you know someone who struggles with mental health, here are 5 ways you can help them.

5 Ways You Can Help People Struggling With help-people-struggling-with-mental-healthMental Health:

1. Be considerate and friendly.

People who struggle with mental health need love and support. The last thing they need is to feel isolated and alone. You should listen to them, try to understand them and be compassionate about their inner struggles. Don’t try to push them, just be a friend. All they need is a friend who they can open up to. In fact, genuine connection is probably the biggest thing that can help them.

2. Look at their health issue as a real problem because it is.

Whatever they struggle with, depression, panic attacks, anxiety, or some other mental disorder, see it as a real illness. Just because it’s not visible it doesn’t mean it is not affecting their inner chemistry and emotions. People who struggle with mental health want you to acknowledge their pain. They want you to see that they are struggling inside, because they feel like nobody understands they are in pain, and yet, they need help.

3. Read and educate.

In today’s age there is no excuse to not know about mental disorders. The information and knowledge is everywhere. It’s literally available to you in a couple of clicks away on a device that’s inside your pocket. So at least try to educate yourself about what these people who you care about are struggling with. Read about what’s the possible cause, what’s the possible fix, how they feel. It will give you bigger compassion.

4. Give a sincere advice.

If you really care about someone who struggles with mental health you will probably try to help them by giving them advices. If they are sad, you’ll tell them to not be sad. If they worry too much you’ll tell them not to worry. If they have anxiety you’ll ask them to stop feeling anxious. But the problem is they would have done it if they could. The advice should be from the heart. Tell them how you dealt with anxiety yourself when you felt anxious.

5. Show them ways that can fix their problem for good.

A couple of years ago mental health might have been something that not many people understood or were aware of. But today the awareness is growing and there are countless options for help and therapy. The internet itself offers many ways to come in contact with professionals who can personally help with mental health, or at least show techniques through articles and videos. Here is a powerful online therapy app you can use.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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