Astrology And Cosmic Update For August 2018: Here is What August is Bringing for Each Person


If the last month was all about intense energy and healing past wounds, this month will start similar, with high intensity to help you throughly examine your inner self.

This is in order to highlight your inner wounds, bottled emotions and trauma so you can heal them as much as you can.

As this month continues it will slowly decrease in emotional intensity to give you a sense of relief and healing.

For those of you who identify with being highly sensitive, perhaps a little more introvert and shy, you are about to find your power in the world.

Don’t be surprised if you are now getting really strong urges to shake up the game in your life a little more, you might have urges to get out, to connect, to be bolder than usual.

You will find your emotional fluency and your ability to have emotional leadership in a conversation.

This is going to magnetize and connect you to the people and the places that are truly receptive to you and appreciative.

It’s really important to focus on how you take care of yourself, whether it’s self soothing or grounding into reality.

If you do that, the rest of your visions will fall into place more effortlessly than you might realize is possible.

Here Is What Astrologists Say August Has In Store For Each Person:what-august-2018-is-bringing-for-each-person

During the first week of August we may still feel things rising up from the depths in order to be cleared.

Emotions may also be high during the first week of August as Mars, which is still in retrograde, continues to be very active.

Mars is our inner warrior, and can help us to achieve and overcome all obstacles, but when this energy is not in balance, or when it’s met with lots of lunar energy like it is in August, it can cause us to feel restless, agitated, and even aggressive.

If there is any anger or frustration buried underneath the surface, the first week of August may lead you to get things off your chest.

Even though it can be tempting, it is best to practice patience and to really think it through if you are planning on confronting someone or taking action on something.

This energy does have an impulsive feel to it, so it’s going to be important to not leap before looking. Under all of this energy, slow and steady really does win the race.

On August 7th we have Uranus going retrograde, making a total of six planets in retrograde. This is going to continue the theme we have been dealing with since July.

Having so many planets in retrograde is a sign from The Universe that we need to stop and reflect on our past before moving forward.

Uranus going retrograde may bring up issues that were occurring around May 2018, or you may receive more insights or wisdom as to something that was stirring around this time.

On August 8th we have the opening of the Lionsgate Portal, which will be activating our soul bodies and helping us to upgrade and fine tune to higher frequencies and vibrations.

Following this we also have a Solar Eclipse on August 11th in the sign of Leo. This is the most potent and influential aspect of the month and it’s going to be lighting a new path forward.

This Solar Eclipse is going to bring new opportunities that will help us to start a new chapter in our lives.

It is the last Eclipse for 2018, and we are going to be working with its energy until the next Eclipse season starts in January 2019.

On August 18 and 19th, Mercury will turn direct after being retrograde since July 25th. This is going to help things start speeding up again, but with many other planets still in retrograde, it is only going to offer a small reprieve.

The real release with all of these retrogrades comes on August 27th when Mars finally goes direct after being retrograde since the end of June.

Mars will take a few days to rev back up, but once it does we are going to feel huge waves of action and energy.

In fact, September will be a great month to push forward and we are going to be feeling far more energized and awakened.

Just a day before Mars turns direct we also have the Pisces Full Moon. This is one of the most beautiful Full Moon’s of the year and has wonderful prosperous, romantic, and creative energy that we all get to enjoy.

The best thing you can do this month is take care of yourself and your emotions as they fluctuate in intensity.

As you release the bottled up emotions while being kind and taking care of yourself, you will feel happier, freer and more positive. You will feel emotional purification that will help you become the best you that you know you are.


I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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