9 Major Signs That Tell You’re An Indigo Adult


People who are called for spiritual purposes share almost the same traits.

Yet it’s important that you know what your specific calling is so that it’s easier for you to respond to the call and develop the gifts that you bring but are unaware of.

Indigos have gifts of empathy, precognition, or even emotional healing. They are born with these gifts because the world needs the wisdom they have that can bring a ray of light in this dimming world. Here are the major signs that tell you are an indigo adult.

9 Major Signs You’re An Indigo Adult:major-signs-that-tell-youre-an-indigo-adult

1. You are extremely curious.

You keep asking for the why of things, especially the troubles that are happening around you. You want to know why there is poverty, hatred, conflicts, and disparity.

You don’t accept that there will be a gap between things that’s why you are questioning everything just to connect the dots.

2. You can’t conform to conventional systems.

Indigos don’t feel comfortable with authority. You don’t like to follow rules and regulations because they’re self limiting.

You understand that people shouldn’t be controlled by others who love to exercise authority over them.

Once in your life, you may have been accused of being rebellious despite the purity of your intentions.

You don’t intend to initiate agitation, you just see the loopholes in the system and want to correct it the way you see fit.

Creating new organizations to achieve your cause is your way of spreading awareness to the masses.

3. You can feel the sufferings of others.

As an indigo adult, you’re an empath to the core. You can’t bear seeing the pains and sufferings of others. Because of this, you avoid situations where you feel helpless because you know you can’t do anything to help out.

It’s not that you don’t care, it’s just that you feel emotionally drained when exposed to these situations.

And you just can’t take it when you see no steps are being taken to help the innocent and the helpless.

4. You are deeply connected to animals and nature.

You find yourself in harmony with nature and spending time with it is your way of grounding yourself.

You also love animals and may even go your way to rescue them, protect them, and even fight for their rights.

It’s because you believe that every creature should be treated equally and has to live with dignity.

This is how valuable life is to you.

5. You have episodes of depression.

Depression comes as no surprise to indigo adults considering the ugliness and injustices the world is going through.

As early as in your adolescent years, depression gets in your nerves since you still don’t understand what’s going on outside and inside of you.

Because you can’t relate to how others go after money and power, you find difficulty in fitting in with the world.

You might think there is something wrong with you or that you cannot fit into society. You might think society is wrong.

But as soon as you find your unique life purpose, you rise above these issues and pave the way for others to see the essentials of life.

6. You are drawn to spiritual teachings.

Even though you may not have been raised in a religious environment, you are spiritually inclined.

Or, if your family is religious, you follow your own spiritual inclinations. You are drawn towards spiritual teachings from enlightened people from all around the world.

Your spirituality is deeply rooted that you are spiritual mature beyond your years. People can’t help but notice.

7. You strongly know your life has a purpose.

While others strive for success in their professional careers, you strive for a life that has purpose and meaning.

You know you have a mission to fulfill and you’re busy seeking the ways and means in fulfilling it.

This path isn’t easy, though, because you don’t know how or where to look for support. But this doesn’t stop you from making this world a better place.

8. You encounter synchronicities very often.

Once you start in this journey, help will come along the way. The Universe will see to it that you’re able to do what your soul has set out to do.

To let you know you are on the right path, you will encounter many synchronicities very often, maybe even daily.

Your subconscious mind will help you see clues and hints telling you whether or not you are on the right path.

Because you can perceive things on a much different light, beyond the illusion of reality, you will notice these signs much more than any other regular human.

9. You have urges to create.

You are inspired by many things. Inspiration comes to you really often and it urges you to create something.

You have tendency towards art and music. Your artistic side is always pushing you to do something and express your inner world.

It might be writing, playing an instrument, painting or even singing, but whatever it is you are urged to create something, to produce.

If the above hints speak clearly to you, then you’re an indigo adult. Embrace your unique calling and start following the path designed solely for you. It’s okay to feel afraid or clueless. The internet is filled with the help that the indigos need. 

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