
Fulfill The 5 Essential Needs Of Your Solar Plexus Chakra To Unlock Your Personal Power

As human beings, we have different needs that must be fulfilled. Needs that aren’t met or fulfilled have the tendency of getting back to us by leading to an imbalance in one or more areas of our life.

These needs strongly relate to our 7 chakras. The most basic and easier to fulfill start at the base, basically the root chakra. As we get to the higher chakras, these needs become more complex and more abstract, making them hard to understand and difficult to fulfill.

This article focuses on the essential needs of the Solar Plexus chakra because it’s the one that is most often overlooked for the main reason that it’s about embracing our ego identity and accepting our uniqueness.

In short, the Solar Plexus chakra is a “me” chakra that focuses mostly on the self in contrast to the heart chakra that focuses on others. However, first you need to find and embrace your personal power before you can find the power to truly help others.

Fulfilling the essential needs of the Solar Plexus chakra may appear selfish and egoistic, but without self acceptance and self empowerment, finding your self worth and value is not possible.

Paradoxically, in a state of self empowerment and self worth, you will make decisions that are much more selfless and kind to other people. Hence, loving and taking care of the self must be done first before going out and making the world more beautiful for others.

Here are the essential needs of your Solar Plexus chakra and how to acquire them.

Fulfill The 5 Essential Needs Of Your Solar Plexus Chakra:

1. Acknowledgment.

Give yourself a pat on the back everytime you accomplish something.

No matter how small your accomplishments are, celebrating little victories can boost your confidence and inspires you to do more each day.

Congratulate yourself for cooking the perfect meal or having eliminated clutter in your home.

2. Support.

Talk to yourself in the mirror and say encouraging words.

Look yourself in the mirror. Let your gaze penetrate deep down in the eyes of the person you see in the mirror.

See yourself as you really are and say: “You’re awesome!” Talk to yourself as if you’re talking lovingly to someone else. See how it feels to receive such support, even though it’s from no other than you. The point is to learn how to be your own avid supporter.

3. Care.

Indulge yourself in things that make you feel good.

If you want to look good. Do it. Buy the pair of shoes you’ve been wanting to wear. Just because you want to look your best doesn’t mean you’re egotistic and less spiritual.

This only means you’re a healthy individual who knows what it wants to be your best self. You do it because it makes you happy and that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.

4. Recognition.

Share your accomplishments with the people you love.

Your loved ones are your personal cheerleaders who desire only your best. Whatever accomplishments you have, share it with them, you can even brag about it.

Accomplishments are meant to be shared so that the good vibes you get will create more good vibes motivating you for more accomplishments.

5. Confidence.

Act like you’re somebody to actually become the somebody you act to be.

What you know you can be, inside, can be manifested outside. But you need to shift the way you see yourself. You need to create inner confidence to become who you want to be.

Stand tall and trick yourself into feeling confidence. If you start acting like your best self, you will start becoming your best self. Just don’t listen what others think, they don’t have a clue who you truly are and who you can become.

When you give your third chakra these 5 essentials, acknowledgment, support, care, recognition, and confidence, you will balance it and unlock your personal power. The best part is that you can give all these things yourself.

Nezel Padayhag

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