
This TV Show Scene Makes A Perfect Explanation Of What A Soulmate Really Is

Most people think that a soulmate is a person who magically appears in your life out of nowhere because it is destined to be with you.

However, a true soulmate doesn’t have to be a romantic partner. But they will most likely be. And they do not appear magically, they are attracted to your vibration.

So this means that no matter how close your soulmate is to you, if you do not let yourself be yourself, and shine with your light, they will not perceive the truth of you.

To find the right person and connect with on a cosmic level you have to become the right person yourself. And once you find this person, everything changes in your life.

When the two of you unite, your energies complement each other and become so extremely strong that just your partnership in love creates a positive change in this world.

If you don’t understand what a soulmate really is here is a perfect description from one TV Show that perfectly describes it.

This TV Show Scene Makes A Perfect Explanation Of A Soulmate:

There are countless signs, traits and explanations of what is a soulmate and how it feels when you find them.

But most of these traits are not concrete enough. So here are the two most important traits of a soulmate.

If someone has these two traits, whether you believe in soulmates or not, they are what is considered a soulmate.

The 2 Most Important Traits Of A Soulmate:

1. You’re deeply inspired by them.

“Inspiration” comes from the Greek word “Theopneustos”, which literally means “God breathed”.

In other words, when you meet a soulmate you feel connected to them on a much deeper level, a level that is spiritual, coming from the Source.

This person inspires you more than you can imagine. It goes beyond reason, time, space, and comprehension.

You feel a deep connection on a subconscious level. Having this subconscious connection, you both tap into your infinite potential.

You’re inspired to do things you never have done before. Because you inspire each other, manifesting your dreams is easier.

You become aware that you’re both co creators creating your reality.

When you’re together, your energies are so strong that people can’t help but notice its magnetic power. When both of you enter a room together it illuminates the atmosphere.

You know what the other person is thinking even just by gazing at each other’s eyes. And whenever you are together you feel as there are no limits to your potential.

You are changed into the best version of you not because they magically transform you, but because you are inspired by them to transform into your best self yourself.

At times, it takes true love so the darkest places of your soul can surface and be healed. And this kind of love is what really transforms us.

2. You love deeply and care strongly for them.

As we said, a soulmate doesn’t have to be a romantic partner. Some times it is a friend, or maybe even a person you consider a foe.

But most often it is going to be a romantic partner. This is because a soulmate reflects deep parts of yourself you are often attracted to or you disassociate with and hate.

There are many ways to define love. And it’s often subjective. A person can love someone out of a deep need. Or, they can love someone just because they do.

Most often, the second kind of loving is the deepest kind of loving. It’s because you have no need to love a person, but you still do, that hints to some deeper reason.

You love deeply and care genuinely when you’re willing to give without demanding something in return.

A usual phenomena that happens with your soulmate is when you can look at each other’s eyes and see that you’re both timeless.

You unconsciously understand that you come from the same source and the same breathe of life.

If you feel your partner is the right person but things aren’t flowing smoothly, there might be some issues that both of you need to solve.

Both of you may have reflected upon each other’s aspects that need healing. It’s scary to look but if it’s the only way to heal, then face your fears and inner wounds.

This often happens with soulmates who are not romantic partners but a friend, or maybe even someone you just hate. But it can happen with a romantic partner.

You hate them because they reflect the things you hate within yourself and they are, in a way, trying to heal you by making you face what you avoid within yourself.

But whoever they are, a friend, a foe, a romantic partner, if they are your soulmate you will feel deep care for them, even if you hate them.

So what do you need to do to attract your soulmate:

You shouldn’t force yourself trying to attract your soulmate. If a relationship isn’t making you happy or fulfilled, then you might be in the wrong relationship.

You don’t need to suffer in a relationship wishing the person you’re with is the right one. No one knows it better than you. But first, you need to work on yourself.

You need to have a deeper connection with yourself because your vibration is the link that connects you to your soulmate.

When you’re fully aware of yourself and vibrate in the same frequency your soulmate is vibrating, then there’s a big chance you will meet each other.

Whatever the case may be, continue to shine your light. When the right person comes, you will just know it. Any other explanation will be just irrelevant.

Nezel Padayhag

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