4 Important Truths You Need To Realize To Become Enlightened


As you might have noticed, more and more people are tuning inward as our world is experiencing a paradigm shift from the old to the new.

If you aren’t focused, you might get lost in the drama and fear created by the people who still feel the old social conditioning created by fear.

This transitioning is directing you to higher levels of consciousness and flow. But going with the flow isn’t enough. You need to have a safe ground to stand on.

You might try to escape the social conditioning but you notice how the old paradigm may pull you back to the old patterns of consciousness.

These patterns are based on fear and scarcity where the feelings of lack are the number one key motivator for doing things.

Allowing these thought patterns to pull you back will keep you from fully stepping into a more aligned way of living between your mind and soul.

Enlightening happens when the old patterns have no power over you anymore, they cannot pull you back to the old ways of thinking.

To establish strong foundations of thinking that the old patterns of fear and scarcity cannot penetrate and hijack you need to realize a couple of important cosmic truths.

When you get to know these truths, when you really get to grasp their meaning, your way of thinking will no longer return the the old paradigms.

4 Important Truths You Need To Enlighten:important-truths-to-become-enlightened

1. Your natural state is love, you live in a world of abundance and you are enough.

When we are born we don’t think that we lack anything. We are enough to be who we are and nobody can judge us.

When we want to cry we cry, when we want to laugh we laugh, when we are hungry we eat. But as we grow up society teaches us that we need to be this or that to be enough.

This false belief is created by fear and scarcity. The truth of your existence is love and abundance. The world is free for you to explore, you don’t need to prove anything.

2. Your consciousness is connected with all consciousness.

You might think that you have your own consciousness but this consciousness is connected with every consciousness in The Universe.

You have an identity and a definition about who you are, but this is just a limit you put on the consciousness to create the illusion of your self.

In reality, behind the mind, the identity and the self, you are the observer of thoughts, the thinker, the infinite silence of pure consciousness that connects everything.

3. Time is just an illusion, you exist only in the now.

The past is just a memory and all the possible futures are just an idea. These two concepts do not really exist, they are mental illusions for the mind to keep things more organized.

We do not really measure time, we measure movement and change of celestial objects. The only thing that exists is the present moment.

Most people live stretched between past attachments and the future these attachments might bring. But in the present moment you detach from them, everything is possible.

4. Unlearning is how your consciousness grows.

When you start to unlearn what you though you knew, you open room for more intelligence to be downloaded and for your consciousness to grow.

As you step into higher consciousness every step unfolds before you, old things no longer make sense, other start to make sense, and brand new information is downloaded.

You may find yourself being in a whole new narrative, a bigger story you couldn’t even think of where you become part of a much bigger game.

As the world transcends the old paradigms and raises its consciousness, we will become part of the new humanity and continue our mutual evolution.

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