The last month was a period for slowing down, reevaluating your direction, your personality, old patterns, desires, and preparing for taking better action.
This month is speeding up the process of making you a better version of yourself and it’s bringing back intense energies.
It will highlight all areas that are keeping you stuck from evolving and it will do it in a manner where these areas become unable to be ignored.
They will usually seem impossible to be managed by old patterns and you will be called to find a better way or let them go. Whatever you choose it will make you a better you.
It’s important to not resist. Let things flow and trust the process. You might want to express your truth and speak up in areas you were silencing yourself. Do this.
The planet Venus is in retrograde and through the first few weeks of November, she is going to be preparing herself to begin a new cycle.
Venus will officially move out of retrograde on November 16th, and at this time her work will be completed.
On the same day she goes direct however, Mercury turns retrograde and will stay in this motion until December 6th.
Again, it really seems that The Universe wants us to slow down and reflect before moving ahead.
Even though we are still working with retrograde energy through November, there is a glittering event that is really going to dominate and bring positive energy into our lives.
This event happens on November 8 and is the move of the planet Jupiter out of Scorpio and into its home constellation of Sagittarius.
This is wonderful, positive news, and is going to be one of the best aspects for the next 12 months.
While Jupiter is in Sagittarius we are going to feel expansive, abundant, positive, radiant, and we are going to feel hopeful.
The day before Jupiter moves into Sagittarius, on November 7, we also have a New Moon in the sign of Scorpio.
This New Moon does have some intensity around it, however, it is going to bring more understanding and more resolution to whatever was stirred on the Taurus Full Moon.
It is also going to highlight and help wrap up the issues that were bought forward while Jupiter was in Scorpio.
While things may come to a head on this New Moon, it is likely that this climax will lead to a resolution and a way to move forward and find forgiveness.
Following this, we have the grand alignment of November 11. In numerology, the code for this day will be 111111.
We will get a taste for this energy on November 1st also, but on the 11th we are really going to be in a place of heightened sensitivity, awareness, and creativity.
This will be a wonderful time to manifest, meditate, connect with your spirit guides, and think about ways to move forward when it comes to achieving your goals.
The next major event in astrology for November comes on the 23rd with the Full Moon in Gemini.
This is a sensitive Full Moon, however it will be much more forgiving and less intense than the one we experienced in October.
While we may feel heightened emotions around this Full Moon, it also serves as a reminder to not overload our plates and to move in a more methodical, grounded pace.
This really has been a major theme for 2018, and this Full Moon is going to ensure that we get the message.
Finally, the month ends on an extremely positive note with the Sun and Jupiter meeting on November 25th.
This is considered one of the most special days of the year, and The Universe is going to be shining down positive energy and abundance for all of us.
The whole month is bringing us energy that is helping us unstuck from old patterns and grow into better versions of ourselves.
It might seem intense and it might feel that certain areas are making us even more stuck, but these areas are the ones we need to let go of and transcend to grow.
Know that nothing is against you and that everything works in balance. Things are trying to help us grow and evolve.
There are many areas where we kept silent and where we didn’t express our truth so this month will help you speak your truth and come more to your center. Speak your truth.
And whatever you do remember that you should take things slowly while letting things flow.
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