Falsely Positive People Drain Your Energy And 5 More Reasons Why You Should Avoid Them


The world is waking up spiritually, there is no doubt about that. However, with this spiritual movement there are so much misconceptions and people get confused.

Such confused individuals are the Falsely Positive People who think that being positive is the only thing that’s right and everything else is wrong.

They are afraid of negativity and their dark side so they suppress these aspects of themselves deep within and live their lives running away from them.

They are doing their best to appear positive, to avoid sadness, anger, fear, that they start resisting these things. And as much as they resist them these things amplify.

So these individuals end up spending so much energy just to avoid the fact that they are also humans with flaws who can be sad if that’s what they really feel.

They keep running away from themselves and step on all of their boundaries so they end up draining the energy of everyone who interacts with them.

Because they don’t want to be selfish, they think being selfish is wrong, they drain themselves of their energy without refilling their cup.

They would rather spend their day faking being positive than spend it at home with their sad emotions getting to know their depths.

Because of all these things, falsely positive people will drain your energy. But that’s not all. Here are 5 more reasons why you should avoid falsely positive individuals.

5 More Reasons Why You Should Avoid Falsely Positive People:falsely-positive-people-reasons-you-should-avoid-them

1. They are inauthentic.

Falsely positive individuals are not authentic. They want to show you only the “good” side they have. They show fake feelings and keep the real feelings suppressed if they are in the negative side of the spectrum. You cannot really get to know them, with all their flaws. They hide their flaws behind the positive mask they put on. Even if you try to be authentic they will not reveal their dark side that they are actually running away from.

2. They will make you resist negative emotions.

Just like they do it, falsely positive people will make you see your “negative” emotions as wrong. In reality there are no good and bad emotions. They all serve you a purpose. Anger, sadness, fear, and other so called negative emotions are good for you. Anger protects your boundaries, sadness shows you the depth of what has meaning for you and fear protects you from possible danger. Running away from these feelings mutates them.

3. They are passive aggressive.

Because they always step on themselves, falsely positive people have suppressed so much anger that it will show up in their passive aggressive behavior. They will be laughing and being all positive and all of a sudden they will judge something so harshly you would not believe your ears. If you show your vulnerable side, they will blame you for not being positive like them. They do this because they want you to suffer as they do.

4. They are superficial.

Whenever you try to speak to your falsely positive friends and ask for a real conversation they will dodge it with couple of rehearsed positive lines. They will tell you think positively, they will speak about the law of attraction, they will tell you to take some herbs. What they won’t do is be your friends. Real friends. Friends who are also human and feel your pain, or just simply want to connect with you on a human level and without forcing positivity.

5. They don’t give solutions.

If you have a problem and ask your falsely positive friend for advice they will not give you a constructive solution. They will try to mask up the problems you have and force you to just think positive thoughts, they will claim that’s how you will solve your problem. Their strategy for dealing with problems is to put it under the rug and pretend everything is fine. But most problems need to be tackled with action not just thinking positively.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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