10 Profound Realizations That Arise When We Raise Our Consciousness To Higher Levels


The term raising our consciousness refers to the act of stepping back from the canvas to perceive a bigger chunk of the picture.

Just like a painting, when you are too close to the painting you can see all the little imperfections and confusing dots that make no sense from that point of view.

But when you take a step back, you realize that every single thing in the picture is at its right place, there are no imperfections on the beautiful picture that you are seeing.

This analogy is describing what happens when you raise your consciousness to higher levels.

Suddenly all the little things you saw as flawed fade away and you start to see a different reality, one where many things create a bigger meaning that you can now perceive.

10 Profound Realizations That Arise With Higher Consciousness:profound-realizations-raise-consciousness

1. You are responsible for your life.

The control of your life depends on the responsibility you take about your life. The higher your consciousness raises the more you realize you are the only one responsible for your life. There are many things you can control and many things you can’t control, but your real control is in the way you react to things that happen. You can make choices and reactions, and that’s all the control you really need.

2. Everything connects to everything else.

The bigger picture gives you a different perspective about reality, it shows you how seemingly unconnected details link together. You see that choices and events you didn’t really think had anything to do with each other actually connect on a deeper level. And this is because most of our choices are inspired by our subconscious configuration. One subconscious occurrence might pull different strings that are seemingly not connected.

3. Our unconscious mind plays a big role in our life.

Just like our subconsciousness is responsible for most of our choices, our unconscious mind is responsible for most things in our life. Things we have experienced and suppressed, traumas we repressed, emotions we don’t want to feel again, all these things configure a record that is spinning in circles. This record is making us relive same old patterns because it wants us to embrace the parts of ourselves we run away from and become whole.

4. Our emotions shape our reality.

The emotions we feel at a certain moment shape the theme of our reality. If we are in a happy state we perceive things that maintain this state. When we are in a sad emotional state we perceive things that justify the sadness. When we are angry it’s the same. When we are afraid we start seeing danger in most things. As we raise our consciousness we become aware of this, we see emotions as lenses of reality.

5. Suppressed emotions prevent smooth energy flow.

The emotions we suppress, the sensations we run away from and do not want to feel stay within our emotional body. These sensations accumulate and start to block the smooth energy flow of our body. The longer they stay the bigger the resistance of feeling them grows. As we raise our consciousness we learn to embrace all of our emotions. We realize there are no good or bad emotions and we embrace all of our sensations.

6. Everything is energy.

As we raise our consciousness to higher levels we start seeing beyond the matter that constructs the world around us. We start to realize that within the matter there are particles smaller than atoms and between these particles there are forces. We realize that even these particles at their fundamental level are energy. Hence, we realize that everything is energy in a different level of density.

7. Our intuition is most often right.

Most people get the messages their intuition is giving them but they are so focused outside of themselves that they do not even perceive them. Some people feel these sensations but can’t find the logical sense to trust them. As we raise our consciousness to higher levels, and as we see how things connect to each other, we realize that our intuition was right most of the time in ways we were unable to perceive.

8. Relationships reflect the self.

The relationships we have with other people are the biggest mirrors for the relationship we have with our selves. The level of dependency and avoidance of our partner, the circle of friends, the way we express our love for other people, the relationship patterns we spin around in, the attributes we find attractive, the personality of our romantic partner, everything reflects an aspect of our inner self.

9. Love is our default state of being.

Most of the world is being presented the romantic idea of love. This is one form of love not all that love is. It’s just one reflection of its infinite number of reflections. Real love is not just romantic just like fruits are not the only form of food that exists. Real love is our natural state of being and everything that reminds us of this purity within us is associated with this vibration of love that we all naturally have.

10. We are not our feelings and thoughts.

The emotions you are feeling, the thoughts you are thinking are just information. They are like the words you read and the images that you see, like the smells and tastes that you perceive through your senses. You are not these. You are the one who perceives them. You are the one who is observing the thoughts, you are the one who is observing the emotions. You are the one who sees them.

If some of these realizations resonated with you it means that your consciousness is already at much higher levels than the consciousness of others.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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