Most of the world is focused on detoxifying the body with various diets and “magical pills” that “remove all toxins in seconds” as well as other questionable methods.
However, not so many people are interested in detoxifying their mind, and detoxification of the mind is probably even more important these days.
Just like your body accumulates toxins over time, your mind does so too. In order to detox your mind you need to remove certain things from your life for a couple of days.
These things are the sources for toxicity for your mind and they are not all necessarily bad, however, what they broadcast can be toxic.
To know if your mind needs a detox you should see if you find yourself in couple of the symptoms that tell your mind needs a detox.
9 Signs You Need A Mental Detox:
– Negative thinking patterns;
– Lack of clarity;
– Lack of concentration;
– Frequent irritation;
– Feelings of worry, fear and anxiety;
– Insomnia;
– Mental tiredness;
– Being overly judgmental;
– Lack of awareness to the present moment;
5 Things To Remove From Your Life To Detox Your Mind:

1. TV and News.
The first thing you should immediately remove from your life is watching TV and News especially. These things spread fear, anxiety and information to make you feel as if you lack something, all of them are mentally toxic.
2. Social Media.
Avoid social media as much as you can, or create a really sharp filter for positive information. People tend to post content to portray their “awesome” life and you might envy them and feel as if there’s something wrong with you.
3. Alcohol and Junk Food.
Just like with your body, and because your mind and body work together, consuming junk food and alcohol can affect the chemistry of your brain and, therefore, these can be toxic for your mind. Instead, eat organic food and drink just water.
4. Unnecessary Drama.
Most people are addicted to unnecessary drama like gossip, whining, listening to drama music, watching drama movies, TV shows. Any kind of drama is toxic for your mental being so try to avoid the unnecessary drama people crave so much.
5. Toxic People.
Your environment and the people close to you, your family and friends can have a great effect on your mental health. So when you do a mental detox avoid people who are negative, toxic and drain your energy. It’s better to be alone than with them.
How Long To Avoid These Things:
If you didn’t find yourself in any of the symptoms mentioned above, or just in one of them, you probably don’t need a mental detox, but you can have one if you want so.
If you found yourself in 2 or 3 of the symptoms mentioned above, you should avoid these 5 things for 5 days to one week.
If you found yourself in 3 to 5 of the symptoms mentioned above, you should avoid these 5 things for one week to 10 days.
If you found yourself in 5 to 7 of the symptoms mentioned above, you should avoid these 5 things for 15 to 21 days.
If you found yourself in all of the symptoms mentioned above, you should avoid these 5 things for more than a month.