This year is an year for new beginnings. The 7 year cycle from 2012 completes with the start of 2019 and it’s time to implement what we learned.
This January starts with the energy of helping us look forward and create intentions that will move us closer to who we want to be and how we want to live.
It’s important to give attention to some emotional charges that might arise, some old wounds and inner turmoil as this month is helping us release the biggest emotional burdens.
When we release these emotional burdens we carry from the past we can heal our past emotional wounds and we can move forward in creating the life we want to live.
According to astrology this month helps us purify ourselves. According to the energy of these month you should slow down, release, and create intentions.
3 Things January 2019 Is Bringing For Each Person:

We have a lot of forward moving energy this month encouraging us to take a leap and put our plans into action. We also have two ultra potent Eclispes as well, and this energy may give us a much needed push.
The first Eclipse of the year is a Solar Eclipse on January 5 and 6th in the sign of Capricorn. This is the first Capricorn Eclipse we have had since 2011, and it heralds the start of a new Eclipse cycle.
This Solar Eclipse will be helping us to set intentions and to think about the path forward. The Eclipse will also be supporting us to make new goals and take a few risks when it comes to leaping in our chosen direction.
The second Eclipse falls on January 20 and 21st. This Eclipse is extremely significant and will be helping to wrap up a huge cycle of energy that we have been working with since February 2017.
This Eclipse will be encouraging you to honor all you have learned since this time, and to release and let go of all that no longer serves you. It’ll encourage you to take all you have learned and birth it out into the world in some way.
While the Solar Eclipse has a lighter tone to it, the Lunar Eclipse at the end of the month may be heavy, and we may find some old pains and wounds brought up to the surface for clearing.
We are all called to detoxify our souls before we can move forward and become the person we want to be. Trust whatever comes your way this month, and know that it is only bringing you to your highest self.
1. The first thing this month brings is the opportunity to clear out old emotional burden. By doing this you will heal old emotional wounds and you will be able to move forward without being held back.
2. The second thing this month brings is a chance for you to make forward moving intentions. You should think about the person you would like to be instead of getting what you need or changing the things you don’t like.
3. The third thing this month brings is a period for you to slow down and take care about yourself. Stop distracting yourself and make time to listen to your emotions, listen to yourself, recharge and take care of yourself.