5 Philosophical Questions That Even The Smartest Minds Cannot Answer


The more you know, the more you realize how much you do not know.

There are probably countless scientists, philosophers and thinkers who have pondered about the weirdest things.

And asking deep philosophical questions is interesting as it gives you a perspective of how much we actually don’t know.

There are some easier questions, there are some deep philosophical questions that open endless discussions and debates.

And then, there are philosophical questions that even the smartest minds on this planet were not able to have and give a satisfying answer.

Here are the 5 deep philosophical questions that not even the smartest minds were able to answer. Try to answer them yourself.

5 Most Philosophical Questions:


1. If there was a beginning than what was before it?

Science tries to discover what was the beginning of The Universe and it has some solid theories. But the question still remains, if there was a beginning, what was before it?

So we might scale things even more and say there are multiple Universes in a field we can call Omniverse. But even here the question still remains the same.

What was the beginning of everything? If there was a beginning than what was before it? Can this question actually be answered? Maybe there is something that we miss.

What if our mind’s cannot comprehend something without a beginning? What if the nature of The Universe is without a beginning, but our minds cannot comprehend this?

So we try to find a beginning but we actually create checkpoints for ourselves, so we can answer a question that is flawed. Maybe there was no beginning.

2. What is real?

One of the greatest things you can realize is that reality is negotiable. It’s completely your construct from the data around you and the meaning you attach to it.

But some people go to an even crazier direction. What if your own consciousness is what creates reality? What if consciousness is what renders the world into existence?

You don’t just shape reality from the data around you but your consciousness creates the data around you. Your consciousness generates the data around you.

This idea is a big pill to swallow, but it makes us question, what is real? Everything that we can claim to be real is filtered through our mind, through a human mind.

If something is real for you and not for others, is it real? If something is real for others and not for you, is it real? If something is real but has no effect on anyone, is it real?

3. How should people live their lives?

When we are kids we see adults and we think they have figured out the right way to live life. But as we grow up we see how lost and confused adults actually were.

Humans are stranded on this planet and we have no idea for what reason. We have no idea what is our purpose. We have no idea what’s the point of everything.

Every single person on this planet has been taught a way of life from someone who has been equally lost and confused. Nobody had any extra knowledge or guide.

Every single person is doing the best they can with what they know. Nobody knows the right way to live. Every person is improvising as they live and every lesson is subjective.

If someone tells you how to live that’s based on their own subjective experience and not on an objective truth. So the best way to live is to consider other advices but follow your self.

4. What is consciousness?

Even reading this question, who is the one that reads this question? Who is the one being aware of the one reading this question? It’s all consciousness, but what actually is it?

Trying to answer what’s the nature of consciousness is probably the hardest question any scientist and philosopher pondered about because they cannot observe the subject.

It’s like a wave asking itself what the nature of water is. The answer to this question can be intuitively glimpsed, but giving an answer to it is probably not even possible.

Let’s just say that like energy, consciousness is a substance filling a field. It is a different level of the same thing, a higher state of energy, a different layer of being.

Being conscious of our own selves is like creating a character in a novel and we becoming aware of this character through this character thinking we are the character we created.

5. Do we have free will?

Many philosophers have pondered about this question. Do we actually have free will? If we do, how do you define what is free will? Can you actually define it?

You might think that you have free will, that you make your own choices, but every single one of your choices has been influenced by some external factor or memory.

Your environment, the things you watched as a child and the experiences you had in your life have all influenced your choices. And they influence the choices you make.

There are infinite amount of possibilities, right? But you cannot comprehend them all. You can know just a few options. And you can choose from these few options.

So how much freedom do you have in choosing? What decides the options you will be aware of at a certain moment? We have free will, but it should be exercised like a muscle.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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