Having a great day is a decision you can make.
Most people live the same day over and over again. They hope to have a better day, but they do not change anything in their behavior.
In this article we will tell you the exact 10 steps you can do to have a great day. The exact steps that will lead you to feel fulfilled at the end of your day.
Usually people think that getting something will make their day better, like getting x will result in y, where y means having a great day.
But in reality, you do not lack anything to have a great day, you just need to satisfy couple of elements like, movement, health, energy, kindness, love.
Here we will tell you how to satisfy all the necessary elements to have a great day in 10 simple and actionable steps.
10 Steps To A Great Day:

1. As soon as you wake up, open your window, soak in the sunshine and breathe in the fresh air for one minute.
2. Eat a big energizing breakfast that’s filled with carbs, proteins and healthy fats, or drink a healthy green smoothie.
3. Call or write a message to someone you love, a family member, your partner, your best friend, and wish them a happy day.
4. Dress up in clothes that make you feel confident, put on a song that makes you radiate with happiness.
5. The moment you go out of your home, greet people, wish them a happy day, smile to strangers, if possible, do a random act of kindness.
6. Walk as much as you can as you go to work, walk through a path that is surrounded with nature, or take one you haven’t taken before.
7. Plan a delicious meal that you will have after you exercise, or after you finish work, plan something pleasurable.
8. Exercise for at least 40 minutes, if you have a gym membership go to the gym, or just do a quick workout at your home.
9. After you finish with your daily tasks plan a time for yourself, do something that makes you happy or spend time with someone you love.
10. Do some relaxation technique at the end of your day, get a massage, watch something that relaxes you.