4 Everyday Ways to Help Students Believe in Themselves


Students encounter various difficulties in activities of learning every day. Some encounter challenges with learning, studying, reading, participating and engaging productively in educational tasks and goals.

But sadly, the approach of people, most especially parents and teachers who these students look up to as agents who influence them can greatly have either a positive or negative effect on their lives.

A detailed enquiry into the challenges facing students can be efficiently traced to a common root, lack of confidence and failure to believe in themselves. These factors are responsible for poor outcomes and unsatisfactory results seen among many students.

However, if these challenges are thoroughly identified, and efficiently tackled, we can be sure of seeing not only confident students who believe in themselves but also successful individuals who are adequately equipped to positively impact their world.

Many writers associated success with believing in oneself and having a sufficient level of self confidence, this article will be directed towards effective ways to help students in knowing how to believe in themselves, and how they can achieve success through that. Also, you will find the most practical and easy ways to help students acquire self confidence.

4 Ways to Help Students Build Confidence:


1. Understand that Every Student Has the Potential to Learn and Grow.

If you are possibly looking for the first step to help students believe in themselves, the first and most important change to make is in your mind, or more appropriately, your mindset, you have to believe and get your mind convinced that every student has the ability to learn and grow and hence become successful.

Knowing this tremendously affects the way you relate with students and consequently has a tangible effect on their self confidence, their morale and how well they believe in themselves.

It has been shown that derogatory remarks have negative potentials in the quality of life and future aspiration of students.

There is a theory which supports this, and it is called the “growth mindset”, which explains that academic potentials can be grown continuously in any area. Therefore, with appropriate instructions, adequate input of efforts with adequate time, performance can be improved and optimized in a student.

In order to help students believe in themselves, understand first that you need to believe in them and this will inspire the appropriate way to relate and instruct them.

2. Right Words is Right Support.

Many student’s potentials for success have been drowned in the sea of negative words, remarks and appellation by teachers, guardians or even parents to the point where they have completely ignored their true self and have been forced to believe what is untrue but has been repeated reinforced by the people around them.

Usually, when you make wrong remarks or negatively tag students, over time, they are forced into believing that they are actually up to no good and can amount to nothing. However, when you use positive remarks, with time, even the student with the least level of self confidence is made to agree that they can achieve success academically and even in other activities.

Make it regular to tell your students words that can brighten their minds rather than dampen their spirits. Someone might need help, and your words may be what will meet their needs. You should frequently tell students words like:

You can get it done.

You are doing well, try harder.

You can do better next time.

You can get smart.

You are talented.

Believe in yourself.

The power of “can” and “are” enables students to believe in themselves, therefore, get yourself accustomed to using it. Also, encourage their creativity of finding solutions and solving problems, show them easier ways they can study or finish an essay on time, maybe even show them how to use a service like Paperial.

3. Patience, Perseverance, Positive Affirmation.

The established fact that students are capable of growth and development if they are well nurtured and supported also certainly involves a huge deal of patience and perseverance because learning capacities among students differ and can never be the same. 

A practical example of this is when you ask a student to reply a question which you ask, be patient till they give a reply and if they happen to get it wrong, provide them with suggestions or clues that can help them. Don’t feel shy to try and help with their studying issues or give them tips on how to write a college essay for example. There is a a good chance they will find an amazing college admission essay writing service on the internet if they search online.

Help them get back on track and support their responses with positive affirmations till they get the right answer and make them repeat the right answer to the entire class, this works like magic in building their confidence.

In a similar way, when students seek help with a particular question, boost their confidence by showing that they understand at least something about the concept rather than show that they know nothing about it, and build their comprehension of the topic by building on the already understood concept. 

This way, they gain confidence in solving similar tasks and can be confident to approach you for guidance in the future.

4. Give Rewards, Fulfill Promises.

Times without number, when good deeds go unrewarded or unnoticed, students are made to believe that they’ve done nothing worthy and their efforts are unappreciated.

This doesn’t reinforce confidence in any way and even might cause students to believe less in themselves. 

Your little rewards, benefits, encomiums, and even acts like announcing a remarkable act by a student to the applause of other students can help them to forge forward and get stabilized especially if they are from backgrounds where they are either not given the opportunity or are naturally disadvantaged.

Also, making promises of rewards and keeping them can allow students get eager and very encouraged to follow the path that leads to success, build their self confidence, and help them live in the actualization of their potentials in full which is the essence of believing in themselves.

Little acts when done deliberately every day can help students believe in themselves, maximize their potentials and live in self actualization. These acts are most effective when done by the idols which students look up to and those that directly influence them.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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