The 4 Easy Ways How To Find Inner Peace In A Very Noisy World


Finding quiet in a world that won’t stop moving is a challenge we all face and respond to differently. In a world where we are constantly connected and plugged in, taking time out to recover from stimulation is imperative for our mental health.

Life coaches are trained to support your best wellbeing and state of mind, and one of the biggest challenges clients face is taking a much needed step back when they are overwhelmed.

If you struggle to find peace in an overstimulated world, you are not alone. Quieting your mind is a skill that builds like a muscle and there are ways to improve your environment to support your best mental health.

The 4 Ways For Inner Peace In A Noisy World:


1. Disconnect.

Overstimulation is the main cause for feeling like you need to quiet the mind. If your brain sends stress signals throughout your body during times you are overwhelmed, the first step you can take is to begin to disconnect your environment from your stressors.

Disconnecting means different things to different people, so take the time to understand the source of your stress. For some, disconnecting means taking a trip away from home and spending some time alone. Others may need to physically turn off their devices and spend a day unplugged to recover.

Disconnecting can even mean taking time away from social activities to refresh your energy before you come back in contact with people. Whatever it means to you, the first step to recovering from stimulation is by adjusting your environment to help you relax.

2. Meditate daily.

Meditation is one of the oldest solutions to overwhelm because of its effectiveness in quieting the mind. Technology has caused our attention spans to reduce, but meditation can help rewire your thinking to become less scattered and more calm.

Meditation, like disconnecting, looks different based on the person but the premise is always the same. Focus on taking deep breaths, finding stillness, and redirecting your thoughts back to your breath if your mind wanders. If you are new to mediation, consider taking a class or listening to a video to guide your first experience.

If you need to find quiet to begin your day, make meditation part of your morning routine. If your need for quiet is strongest during a busy day, take a 10 minute break for a quick breathing exercise. The flexibility of meditation is convenient and can be used anywhere.

3. Reflect on what really matters.

The world feels like it moves extra fast when we lose touch with our priorities. Everyday tasks and stressors pile on us and this contributes to overstimulation. Reflecting on what matters is a powerful way to take a step back and narrow your focus to only what benefits your wellbeing.

Lean on your life coach to have these difficult conversations if you need to, whether you need to remember why your stressful job is important to you or to brainstorm ways to condense your to-do list at home.

Life coaches are trained to uncover the values that truly matter to you and help you take clear, easy steps to reach your goals. If your goal is to find quiet, your coach will work with you to reduce extra stimulation in your life to make room for what brings you joy.

4. Declutter from the unnecessary things.

The last piece of finding quiet brings all of these approaches together to impact your physical world. Decluttering in your physical world is essential to reducing mental clutter, because your thoughts are a reflection of your environment.

A cluttered home increases stress the same way a cluttered to do list brings anxiety if tasks are not delegated or done productively. Take some time to clean your home, donate what you do not need, and organize what you need to. Consider asking for support or outsourcing tasks that overwhelm you when you see an opportunity.

Decluttering the mind is another effective technique to find quiet when you need to. This can be as simple as writing a list of things overwhelming you and marking which ones you can do something about, and which ones you choose not to worry about.

The important thing to remember when you need to find quiet is that you have much more control over your own actions than you do with the world that is overwhelming you. By taking matters into your own hands, you can create real change in your physical and mental environment. Lean on your coach when you need to and meditate often. Taking small actions to find quiet will slowly help you respond to the world around you in a healthy way and feel in control of your own emotions and mental health.

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I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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