The 4 Simple Ways You Are Making The World A Better Place And You Don’t Even Know It


The world doesn’t need saving.

We often think that fighting some giant monster, or protecting cities from an evil army from space, that those things are how we will save the world.

Well, yeah, in movies. Real life is much different. There are no giant monsters, no space evil armies as far as we know. Just people.

The world is fine without us. We are not in need to save the world. If humans left this planet the planet will keep on being fine.

If anything, we are the ones who do the most harm. We are the ones who need saving. But how? It’s really simple.

The way you save the world is by starting from your own self. Then, you influence others. But you fight your own darkness first.

The 4 Simple Ways You Are Making The World A Better Place:


1. Every time you choose to respond and not react.

We all get triggered. The difference that really makes a change is whether you respond on your triggers or react. When you react you are likely to do something mindless that you would later regret. Responding, however, can heal, leading you to the core of the trigger.

2. Every time you fight hate with kindness and love.

It’s one of the stupidest biases that we have, fighting hate with hate. How can you change something if you add more of the same thing into the mix. Hate is a reaction coming from a wound. Love heals those wounds, kindness.

3. Every time you make someone’s day better.

Doing random acts of kindness is one of the best ways to actively work on making the world a better place. One random act of kindness. Sometimes those little things can bring someone’s faith in humanity back. If nothing else, it will make you happier.

4. Every time you laugh.

The thing is, we are all on this planet together, we are in the same ship. We can argue about who is right, who is wrong, but in the greater scheme of things, even our planet is really, really tiny. So every time you manage to laugh, you win that day, you get the joke.

So how are you making the world a better place exactly? You have heard the saying that goes something like if you want to make the world a happier place start with yourself and that’s exactly how you are making the world a better place with these advices. You are healing yourself, you are healing the world. You are giving more love and kindness to the world. You are making others happy. You laugh. At the end of the day, those are the things that really save the world.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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