5 Ways How to Help Students Develop Personal Responsibility As Well As Yourself


With higher responsibility come many demands and challenges. For a student, sticking to a routine such as waking up every day at 5 AM to do assignments or clean the classroom locker can be painstakingly difficult. Sometimes you go to bed a little late and too tired to obey the alarm.

The best thing is to snooze it, something experts say is being irresponsible. But given that everyone is sometimes forced to loathe the morning alarm, waking up early is a big challenge pegged on whether one is able to cultivate intrinsic motivation or has to rely on external triggers.

Most people think they are responsible. But do you think you can write about responsibility? When students were assigned to write about responsibility most of them didn’t really know what to say.

Yes, writing essays on responsibility can be a bit challenging. However, this subject was something students really struggled to write about. If you cannot find the best essay examples on the subject it’s ok to hire a paper helper. After all, an essay on responsibility isn’t going to be one page, unless you are only defining it.

Often, students have a lot of explaining to do, not to mention that papers that need referencing aren’t everyone instant cup of coffee. This post takes the burden of writing such a paper off your back. By exploring how teachers can help students cultivate or develop personal responsibility, you can help yourself learn and attain responsibility in your life as well. Take a look.

5 Ways How to Help Students Develop Personal Responsibility:


1. Define responsibility on a personal level.

The truth is that while hard work is necessary, there are many facets that help define the responsibility of students in school. On this premise, teachers should help learners understand the consequences of their actions by, first of all, explaining that personal responsibility and self discipline go together. From keeping classrooms free of litter, body grooming to finishing assignments on time, there are many practical examples that shed light on the meaning of responsibility. What’s important is to define what responsibility means for yourself. This way you will have a clear idea of what you need to strive toward, what you need to develop.

2. Set a good example.

It is ridiculous to teach students about personal responsibility when you are not responsible yourself. Think about it this way, you walk into a classroom to advise students on the need to look smart at all times. You say, ‘cleanliness is next godliness,’ but you look shabbily dressed. The best way to help students cultivate a sense of responsibility is by setting a good example. Be a teacher whose actions learners would want to emulate.

3. Provide a clear guideline on expectations.

Another way of teaching responsibility to students is defining expectations within the realms of academia or outside it. Are there situations that call for your help? What of the things students should handle independently? By understanding and providing answers to these two questions, expectations on the part of a student becomes clearly defined. Students will either submit or fail an assignment on time for couple of reasons. It could be that you set expectations too high. Therefore, as a teacher, before expecting the highest level of responsibility from your students, it is important that you help them corroborate on things they don’t understand. Tell them, for example, how you need an essay written. And if they still do not fathom it, take a step further and provide a practical guideline.

4. Let them know about the outcomes of irresponsibility.

There is always a chance that a student or two will not live up to your expectations even after providing clear guidelines on how to do assignments. And so, how do you go about administering punishment on such learners who fail to observe rules of engagement? Well, personal responsibility comes with checks and balances, so to speak. However, failure shouldn’t go unpunished. It brings to the fore consequences or outcomes which good or bad behavior attract. Should a responsible student fail to submit the assignment on time, you can help them to understand the consequences that come with unmet expectations and irresponsibility. For example, keeping a lazy student who hasn’t finished homework in class during fun time is one way of going about it. While it denies one a chance to take a break or have fun, it is often the best way of helping learners understand the consequences of irresponsibility.

5. Turn it into a challenge and praise good behavior.

Students love to prove their prowess. Now, with that in the mind, turning everything into a challenge or game will inspire everyone to participate. If, say, you set 4 PM as the deadline of an assignment, reward those who play by the rules through praises or any other form of incentives. You can also ask students to formulate research paper topics then reward the best performer. Whether it is a group assignment or a class duty roaster mandatory school activities, experts opine, help students succeed in academics.

In summary, there are many ways to help students develop personal responsibility but even with the tips above, keep it in mind that kindness goes a long way, especially if it’s well received. Also, remember that example is more effective than definitions or giving essay samples on the subject. Teaching responsibility to students and the importance of personal responsibility is best realized through behavior reinforcement.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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