The energy of the last month was intense. However, this month the energy is going to extremes so you better learn how to surf these energy waves.
This energy contrast is due to the two forces in play this month, the push of accelerated waking up and the pull of taking things slow.
If you think about it, these two forces have the same purpose. They both try to help us evolve, to wake up and elevate our reality and our consciousness.
It’s a month of OPPORTUNITY. Our consciousness and our reality need to elevate together, so just waking up, becoming more conscious isn’t enough.
What we really need to do is embody this higher consciousness so we can update our old behavioral patterns and elevate our reality and the world.
The biggest event of July is definitely the Eclipses, but before we get into what they may bring, there is something else happening in the first part of July that is worth mentioning, and this is the alignment of the Sun and Sirius.
It has long been believed to be our Spiritual Sun, and its energy is said to help activate and awaken us. For the first part of July, we are going to be in a heightened state of energy thanks to Sirius, and we will be more open to elevate our consciousness.
The first Eclipse of the month falls on July 2nd and it’s a Solar or New Moon eclipse in the sign of Cancer. This Solar Eclipse is all about stepping forward into the future. It is full of opportunities, wisdom, and spiritual insights.
It is an intense Eclipse, but it is one that will help us to open doors and get us to where we want to be. This is a great Eclipse if you are looking for opportunity or for change, so set your intention, put your feelers out there and see how The Universe delivers.
If you are feeling lost and a little undirected in life, this Eclipse may also present some opportunities to help guide your way. Try to stay open and try to say yes to the things that come your way as you don’t know where they might lead.
Following the July Solar Eclipse, we have Mercury going retrograde on the 7th. While Mercury Retrograde is often seen as an annoyance, in this instance it is really is a gift. It’s a chance for us to slow down and embody an updated version of ourselves.
After the wave of opportunity that the Solar Eclipse brings, we are going to want a chance to slow down and weigh up our options, and that is where Mercury comes to help us, to make us take things slow.
Mercury will be guiding us to look at the past and to reflect on what we have learned before moving forward. It wants to remind us of the wisdom and knowledge we have gained so we can avoid making the same mistakes from our past.
If Mercury retrograde brings up things from your past, pay attention and figure out whether you want to make that past part of your future or if you are ready to leave it behind, a big theme is letting go of the past for something better.
A day after Mercury goes Retrograde, Chiron follows, giving us a total of 7 celestial bodies in retrograde through most of the month. This is strong retrograde energy and really the way of The Universe allowing us to slow down and catch our breath.
The following Eclipse is a Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. This Lunar Eclipse is one of the heaviest aspects of the year, however it too is also helping us on that elevator ride to the new level of our consciousness.
In order to move up, we have to clear, we have to let go, we have to release, and that is exactly what this Lunar Eclipse will be guiding us to do. Under this Lunar Eclipse, it will be important for us to remember our strength, to remember all we have learned.
Everything we need has already been given to us, and keeping this in mind under the Lunar Eclipse will be helpful. We already know the way, we are just walking towards it. This month gives a great opportunity to actually act on the wisdom we have inside.
On July 22, we begin the start of Leo Season. We are going to feel new motivation as we move out of the watery and the intuitive energy of the sign of Cancer and into the fiery sign of the Lion.
Following this on the 31st, we have a Black New Moon in the sign of Leo. A Black New Moon is very rare and happens when we have two New Moons in one month. This Leo Black Moon will help to seal in and round off the opportunities that the Solar Eclipse brought.
The first thing this month gives is OPPORTUNITY OF REALIGNMENT. This means that you will have moments when you feel aligned with the best things meant for you, but you will be given an opportunity to change your behavior that steers you away from them.
The second thing that this month gives is OPPORTUNITY OF ELEVATION. This means that you will have moments of ecstatic understanding and expansion, but you will also have contraction, so you will learn you need them both to digest the higher knowledge you get.
The third thing that this month gives is OPPORTUNITY OF REALIZATION. This means that you will have profound realizations but you will be given an opportunity to reflect on these realizations and implement them in your life before they fade, this will help you evolve.
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