10 Ways to Increase Your Spiritual Power And Unleash Your Full Potential


Spiritual power is strongly connected to relaxation, as only in relaxation we can be who we really are. To achieve full relaxation, it is very important that we feel at peace with ourselves and with our emotions.

The psychological aspect of relaxation is as important as freeing our bodies from tension. The sense of personal identity that is developed helps us to have a balanced life perspective and vital and healthy faith in us.

If we believe in ourselves, we can face any difficulties, we can even take advantage of stressful situations by seeing them as opportunities to grow. The spiritual power is more than just becoming a real psychic. It’s about your health and your life.

If you practice some of these things regularly, you will increase your self esteem, you will find your purpose, you will break away from the past that’s keeping you from moving forward and you will create a vision of a brilliant future where you are your best self.

The only thing you should first know about increasing your spiritual powers is to know what it means when we say spiritual and powers in order to understand. Spiritual powers means unleashing your real self’s full potential and living authentically.

10 Ways to Increase Your Spiritual Power:


1. Appreciate yourself.

If you don’t believe in yourself, and you think that your personal qualities have no value, it will be increasingly difficult for you to relax. Stress arises when your commitment and responsibility exceeds the limits of your ability to overcome them. If you have good confidence and a strong awareness of your abilities, that limit will be expanded. Then you can see pressure as positive, as an opportunity to broaden your experience and capacity.

2. Restoring perspective.

If the same problem recurs and you can’t think of other ways to deal with it, try this visualization exercise to see it from a new perspective and let it happen. Sit comfortably, breathe deeply several times, and close your eyes. Imagine you are a bird that overcomes flight. You are heading towards space, flying higher and further away from your human self. Look down on what you see,  homes, buildings, and walks from the air. People appear as small dots that move quickly from one place to another. Fly even higher. It seems that buildings and trees begin to disappear. Finally, all you can see is the world as a small spinning sphere floating in space. From there, try to visualize your problem as if it were a speck of dust on Earth, just below you. Think about how the wind will take it and carry it away. When you finish exercising, slowly exhale and open your eyes. If you need some extra guidance you can find help online, there are many spiritual coaches, mentors that give free consultation calls, psychics giving phone psychics reading, and not to speak about countless spiritual books and articles you can read for free.

3. Overcoming fear.

For some people overcoming fear is very important to enjoy a more relaxed life. Fear, in essence, is an internal dimension, the emotions we generate in our minds in response to perceptions of danger. Sometimes the danger is real, but sometimes it’s just fantasy. An effective method for controlling irrational fears is to reduce sensitivity through a slow process. Gradually increase your tolerance for fear.

4. Reverse negative internal dialogue.

Internal dialogue is talking to yourself. Those are the words we use when we talk to ourselves, reflecting and creating our emotional state. Negative internal dialogue is usually a mixture of half the truth and irrational thinking. The consequence is the restraint of negative emotions, such as pessimism, guilt, fear and anxiety.

5. Live in the present moment.

The famous saying teaches us that when one door is closed, the other is open. However, many people remain motionless at closed doors, without seeing new opportunities open before their eyes. Turning things over and over “if I do that, or something else …” only serves to anchor your mind in the past. In the same way, fantasizing about the future thinks about “what will happen if …”, forcing you to live in the future. Very often we lose caring for the present and enjoy it fully. Start today to divert your energy to live now. Within a few days you will see that if you act naturally, your future will be shaped through real experience.

6. Accept the change.

Change is an inevitable part of our lives and for some of us it is synonymous with disappointment and stress, because we consider it to steal our sense of control. The only way to prevent change from causing stress, is to give up all the desire to fight it and think of it as an opportunity to enjoy new experiences and develop new skills and qualities. Remember that humans are one of the most adaptable forms of life on earth. Adjusting to changes dictated by life is something you can achieve, without maintaining an attitude of acceptance.

7. Clean the flow of your chakras.

Chakra is not something foreign in the spiritual world. This is a term that refers to energy points in your body, all of which provide psychological information. Keeping your energy points in good condition is the same as keeping your physical organs in good health. Both sides are equally important.

8. Eat healthier food.

The energy you feel is connected with the food you eat. Your whole being is more energized when you consume food that gives clean and quality energy without being hard for your organism to digest and process. So eat more natural foods, vegetables, fruits, eat organic and local. These advices are enough to lead you to consume foods that add to your overall energy.

9. Create your dream state.

Why don’t you make your own dream state? Only with a dream state can you penetrate your subconscious. Why is dream state important in your search for spiritual power? Because only in a dream state you can relax completely, thus reflecting, in real time, all the stories and interactions that are in your mind. You might be able to navigate the subconscious to support your psychic powers.

10. Practice classes that help you unlock your power.

There are many energy practitioners and gurus who know what they are doing. They know exactly how our energetic body works and how to find the blocks in your energy flow. If there are blocks it’s hard to unleash your full potential. So go to energy classes and practice different techniques. Find the ones that work best for you and practice them.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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