When it’s cold and dark outside, do you feel down and lethargic? Don’t want to do anything or speak to anyone? You may be suffering from the winter blues.
This is known as season depression, and it’s a common disorder that a lot of people suffer from. It’s also called Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD for short.
The good news is that there are ways you are able to beat seasonal anxiety. There are some small tweaks you can do. Let’s take a look at how to avoid depression.
Seasonal depression or SAD is a mood disorder that is able to affect you at certain times of the year. In particular, seasonal anxiety can affect you during the wintertime.
There are symptoms that really affect your day to day life. This could include a loss of interest in your daily activities, irritability, low self esteem, and stress.
6 Ways How to Combat Seasonal Anxiety:

1. Write down your thoughts and feelings.
Have you ever kept a diary or wrote down your feelings? Some people find this a therapeutic way to deal with their thoughts when they’re negative. It is a good outlet for your feelings when you’re overwhelmed or suffering from anxiety. You will distract yourself and focus on writing. You can even create a blog or a unique online post about your seasonal anxiety, maybe even earn money from it. Other people can relate to what you are going through, and you can find a new way to deal with SAD. Before you post it online, check for plagiarism to make sure it’s unique. You can use a https://phdessay.com/online-plagiarism-checker/ plagiarism checker as a helpful tool to make sure its one of a kind. Not only can your work be plagiarism free and healing for yourself, but it can also help others too.
2. Get outdoors.
During the winter, natural light does not last for long. So, make the most of the daylight hours while it lasts. Get outside and take in the fresh air and sunshine. This could be just what you need to improve your mood and keep away seasonal anxiety. Try going for a walk in the morning or sitting in a park and relaxing for a while to see if it can improve seasonal depression over time.
3. Maintain a healthy diet.
A lot of people turn to food when they’re feeling down. Often, this is junk food that leads to weight gain. It’s a vicious circle that could make you even unhappier. It’s best if you can maintain a healthy diet during the seasons that trigger your symptoms. Good food could give you energy and make you feel better. Be sure to enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables. You can still enjoy the treats you love but in moderation.
4. Start a new hobby.
Keeping your mind busy during the winter is a good way to beat the blues. So, why not take up a new hobby and you can concentrate on it? This could be something simple such as joining your local gym, or you could start knitting or playing a sport. Find something that interests you, and it could be an activity that you look forward to. You’ll be surprised what this can do for your mental health.
5. Socialize with friends and family.
While you may not feel like it, socializing can be a good way to combat mental health problems. Make an extra effort to see your friends and family often, especially when you’re feeling down. You’ll be glad you did. If you’re invited out to events or parties, why not say yes? Afterwards, you’ll feel better that you didn’t miss out on the festivities. You don’t always have to talk about what you are going through. It could be a better distraction if you don’t. But if you think it’ll help, speak to others, and they can support you. When they know you’re feeling down, they will make extra effort to socialize with you too.
6. Talk to a counsellor.
If you don’t have any friends or family you feel comfortable speaking to about your seasonal depress, you could always chat to a professional counsellor. They can hear about your daily activities and feature as an outlet for your thoughts. They may also suggest ways that you can cope with seasonal depression, and you are able to look forward to your appointments. If you want to schedule a call with one of our Life Coaching experts you can write us at lifecoachcode@gmail.com and you can tell them all that you want to share. They will contact you back and schedule a call with you when you are available and when it is best for you. We are here for you.