The last month was intense and uncertain. The energies were changing rapidly and this conflicted our mental plans with what our heart felt.
This month is all about POWER. Personal, authentic and heart power. It’s a month when we are allowed to slow down, integrate and listen to our heart.
Because the world is transforming and energies are intense we are invited to slow down, take a breath and look at what we learned.
We are invited to integrate the lessons, to see the world that we have been seeing with new updated wisdom and to realize the truth of who we are.
We are invited to unleash our true and authentic power. So in this month slow down, integrate, take care of yourself, listen to your heart.
3 Things September 2019 Is Bringing For Each Person:

September will be the month we are encouraged to bring what we have learned into our lives. The first part of the month is great for getting organized, for clearing out the clutter from your home or your mind, and self care.
Starting on September 2nd, we have the meeting of the Sun and Mars. This is a high energy day that will give us the push we need to get things moving. If there is something you’ve been meaning to do take action around this date.
During the second week of September, we also have two powerful days in numerology, September 9th and September 11th. 9 is considered an important number in numerology as it is one of the numbers of creation.
On September 9, we have the numerology code of 99 which heightens the creative vibration and helps us to reflect on wholeness, completion, and our spiritual connection. On September 11 we have the numerology code of 911 said to activate healing energy.
September 13th brings the Full Moon in the sign of Pisces. This is an emotionally sensitive Full Moon which will help to soften some of the earthy, energy the first part of the month brought our way.
Following the Full Moon on September 18th, we have Saturn turning direct after being retrograde since April 2019. Saturn turning direct is a pivotal moment as now it will march on forward towards Pluto without any interruptions.
September 21st then brings the final meeting of the Jupiter Neptune Square. Jupiter and Neptune squared each other three times this year, the first in January, the second in June and now the final meeting will happen this month.
September 23rd then brings the Equinox and the Sun’s move into the air sign of Libra. This is a turning point in the astrological year and represents the start of a new season. This will help us wrap up things that we wanted to achieve this year.
September ends with the New Moon in Libra on the 28th, which will help us to integrate the lessons the month has brought our way and under this New Moon, the last piece of the puzzle will be put into place, Ease.
The first thing that this month gives is Ease. It’s a chance to slow down and take care of ourselves. To look around of what we are doing, how it serves us, what we can change. To digest and integrate the things we learned.
The second thing that this month gives is Power. It highlights the power wounds we might have and the shadows that prevent us from taking our real power in our hands. It’ll help us unleash our true authentic power.
The third thing this month brings is Harmony. By showing us how to listen to our hearts it gives us the chance to redirect towards what it’s harmonious to us. By doing this we are maximizing the positive impact we have.