10 Things You Should Not Do As A Student that Will Drain Your Motivation Away


Teaching yourself to find student motivation is often a harder task than you think. Often, students feel the pressure to study all the time with all the tasks you get every day.

Even though education plays a big role in our lives, still spending most of the time in the classroom demotivates students.

If this situation is familiar, experts from EduQuickie should try to find new ways to study new subjects and discover fresh ideas. How can students find the motivation to study these days?

In this article, you can find the best tips not only on how to get motivated but also how to avoid common mistakes, do homework, write great essays, as well as many other tips.

Read this article and try not to do any of these 10 mistakes in order to become the best student in any class.

10 Things that Drain Your Motivation:


To find motivation for studying, students should avoid many common mistakes that students make when it comes to finding a motivation to study. Here is a list of errors you should avoid when it comes to the motivation:

1. Not having a clear goal.

Students should set goals they want to achieve, and only these way students will be able to achieve them. Write a list of all the goals you have, and put them in a place where you will see them all the time.

2. Relying on a perfect plan.

Nothing will always be well, and there is no plan that will be completed the way you want them to be. Just relax, and try hard on achieving the goals you have without letting other things put you behind your plan and destroy motivation.

3. Not giving yourself any rewards.

Even small victories should be celebrated. After you have completed something you have planned, make a pause and cheer yourself. Students deserve high praise for their efforts.

4. Not planning your students life and goals.

Work on creating a plan with your strategies. Students won’t be able to achieve something if you don’t have an understanding of how to do that. Work on this part, and you will see how big improvements you will make in a short time.

5. Punishing yourself.

Blaming yourself for mistakes is a common mistake many students make which can destroy your motivation. We are all humans, and it is impossible to avoid all possible mistakes. After you make any mistake, instead of panicking, encourage yourself to learn from these mistakes.

6. Not asking for help from other students.

There are always students around you who are ready to offer you the assistance you need. Just don’t hesitate to ask other students to explain something to you or show the way how something has to be done. You can also join the students groups where students help out each other with difficult tasks.

7. Not having enough rest.

Education takes a lot of time, and motivating yourself will be hard if you don’t rest enough. Have enough sleep, and if you feel like you are getting tired and bored, have a break and do something relaxing.

8. Studying for grades.

Such behavior is very common among many students, and, unfortunately, it can kill off the will to study. Many people have high expectations for these students, and they feel the pressure to study all the time, even though they might not want it. Students should get nice grades for yourself, and not for someone’s approval of your skills and knowledge.

9. Not helping other students or friends.

There are many other students that you could teach something new. Assist them with their problems and projects, and you become more motivated to study as well. Also, if you help others, you will also understand the material better.

10. Not finding new things that inspire.

Often new ways to motivate yourself appear in places you would not have thought about. Students should more books, find time to visit museums or concerts, and you will feel how inspired and motivated you have become.

If you need a studying mentor, someone who can tell you simple tricks and techniques how to study on a daily basis, someone who will be available for you 24 hours per day on your phone, someone who will lead you by the hand to your good grades, than give us a quick nudge on our email [email protected] with the password “STUDYMENTOR” and we will contact you. We are here to help you out be the best version of yourself, stress free, and happy.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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