Your thyroid sits along the front of your windpipe below the apple on the lower part of your neck. It’s shaped almost like a butterfly, with two lobes that are connected by a middle section called the isthmus. Our thyroids are responsible for secreting hormones throughout our body to regulate our metabolism, heart rate, liver, and fertility, etc.
However, not everyone’s thyroid performs as they should. For instance, an estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease, 60% of which are not aware they have a thyroid issue at all. Hypothyroidism, in particular, refers to a thyroid that produces an abnormally low amount of hormones and fails to meet the needs of the body.
For many, thyroid issues are unrecognizable. And so it’s difficult to fathom that their thyroid could be the source of their current physical and mental problems. To identify whether or not you may have hypothyroidism take a look at the common symptoms below.
5 Symptoms of Hypothyroidism:

1. Cold Intolerance.
Do you feel cold no matter what the weather is, particularly on your hands and feet? A feeling of constant chilliness is one of the uncomfortable traits that arise with hypothyroidism, but luckily with Cytomel thyroid medication, you can eliminate this problem. Thyroid medication can help to reduce a lot of the unpleasant symptoms associated with hypothyroidism.
2. Exhaustion.
If you find yourself regularly yawning, lacking energy, and unable to stay awake and focused throughout the day, this could be a result of an underactive thyroid. It’s common for people to shrug off their fatigue and blame it on working too much or not getting enough sleep. In turn, this may leave their potential thyroid condition undetected.
3. Poor Concentration and Memory.
Another indication of a possible underlying condition of hypothyroidism is the inability to concentrate or process information and events enough to remember and reflect on them. The University of Maryland Medical Centre has declared that poor concentration is a symptom of an underactive thyroid. Hence, if you find yourself daydreaming during an important meeting or difficulty concentrating on simple tasks, it could be due to hypothyroidism.
4. Constipation.
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, another familiar symptom linked to hypothyroidism is constipation. If you’re struggling to go to the toilet or thought your cramping pains were as a result of IBS, it may instead be related to a low functioning thyroid. One of the ways you may be able to decipher whether it’s a thyroid related issue is by eating food high in fiber, such as pasta and nuts. Foods high in fiber should help move your bowels. However, if it doesn’t, then your constipation is most likely due to a thyroid issue.
5. Weight Gain.
If you haven’t made any significant changes to your diet, but you’ve noticed that your weight has started to increase. It could be due to a decreased metabolic rate as a result of hypothyroidism.
Other problems you may incur as a result of hypothyroidism are depression, hair loss, and dry pale skin.