Students, Here Are 5 Tips to Help You Finish Your Dissertation Quicker


If you only have a few weeks left until the deadline of your dissertation and the only progress you’ve made is that you’ve been waiting for inspiration, it’s one of the worst situations you can put yourself in as a student.

Nevertheless, too many people decide not to write their dissertations until the last moment. The reason is that a dissertation is the most difficult type of academic paper that you’ve ever written.

Writing a dissertation is intimidating so students often simply try not to think about it. Many doctoral students suffer from anxiety because they worry about being unable to graduate.

Moreover, according to a research, one third to one half of doctoral students fail the defense stage. 50% of doctoral students decide to leave their schools without finishing and give up on their dissertations. Students are absolutely right when they think that writing a good dissertation is difficult. However, it’s not impossible.

If you approach this task in the right way, you will be able to write an impressive paper quickly. Even if your deadline is near, don’t hesitate to tackle your dissertation. Here’s some advice for you.

5 Tips to Finish Your Dissertation Quicker:


1. Find the right dissertation chair and mentor.

First, keep in mind that the chair of the program may turn out to be not the best choice. Make sure to do your research.

You should be looking for a professor whose students graduate on time. Besides, you want it to be somebody well known in the academic world.

Look for any relevant information on the internet and talk to other graduate students about each particular professor. Your dissertation chair should also be really interested in the subject.

As for the mentor, it can be your dissertation chair, as well, but we recommend that you find somebody capable of providing detailed and clear feedback.

Surround yourself with people who have already survived their dissertations and who can help you avoid some common mistakes.

2. Conduct independent research that can help you with dissertation.

If you want to write your dissertation quickly, you should prepare for it. The more time you have to prepare, the less time the writing process itself will take.

Given that you have to work on numerous writing assignments all the time, we recommend that you keep in mind the topic of your future dissertation and then use materials from your prior research.

You can conduct several independent studies and then turn them into doctoral coursework or chapters of your dissertation.

The main thing is to clearly understand what your dissertation will be about and what its structure will look like.

If you’re struggling with this task, there are plenty of dissertation help services available online, you can find some of them here.

3. Narrow down your topic.

If you have a brilliant complex ideas that you would like to share with the world but you don’t want to spend a few years writing your dissertation, try to choose something else.

You will have a lot of time after the Ph.D., anyway. A narrow topic will help you stay focused with no need to switch between different types of research and sources.

Some students are afraid that a narrow topic won’t allow them to collect enough data. However, everything depends on the chosen area of study.

We recommend that you talk to other researchers and analyze sources in your field of study.

Look for any hypotheses or questions that need to be answered. This way, you’ll be able to narrow your topic, only focusing on relevant information.

4. Write something every day.

You need to set aside a certain amount of time to work on your dissertation every day. The right amount of time depends on your particular subject and the time left before the deadline.

You should write something every day. Choose hours when you’re most productive and eliminate all the distractions.

We suggest that you focus on one step at a time so that you won’t stress out about the overall amount of work. Write your proposal first, and then collect data and analyze it.

After this, write each section of your dissertation. For instance, if you need to write a 20,000 word dissertation, you can write 3,000 words every day. This way, 12,000 words will be ready in just four days.

As you can see, writing a dissertation in a week is not just a possible task but an easy one if you know how to manage your tasks in smaller chunks.

5. Find a research colleague and promote your work.

We recommend that you find somebody who will help you design your research properly.

If you know a person who is really good at qualitative or quantitative design, ask them for assistance.

We also suggest that promote your dissertation.

Attend various research forums, check out organizations for graduate research presentations, and connect with colleagues in your area.

Working with someone else is more interesting and both of you can help each other when the other person is tired, or even think of new creative ideas. Find someone who can use your research’s work and benefit.

We Can Help!

Writing a dissertation is a difficult and time consuming task. In fact, many students get so stressed out about their dissertations that they leave their schools before writing one.

However, the truth is that if you put some effort into preparing, the writing process itself won’t be that difficult.

Choose the right topic, make sure to write a certain number of words every day, organize the writing process, and you will see that you can write a dissertation even in two weeks.

If these tips are not enough than ask from a professional help, or use some service online that can help you. Use technology in your favor.

If you need help about your organization of your work, the management of the tasks, extra motivation and coaching, you can always schedule a free consultation call with me. In those 30 min I will see how I can help you get those things done.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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