Quick Nutrition Guide for Sensitive Skin


Our skin is our biggest organ. There are several skin types terms you will come around in the world of skincare.

These are terms like dry, oily, acne prone and sensitive skin, among others, that describe the different type of skin.

Having a healthy skin is not just about what you put on your skin, is much more about what you put inside your body and inside your mind.

Our mental health is tightly linked to our physical health. Too much stress can show up some symptoms on your skin.

In this blog post, we are going to focus more on people with so called sensitive skin and how cruelty free food can help your skin glow.

What is Sensitive Skin:

Sensitive skin is a type of skin that is hyperreactive to some elements such as food, change in weather, and contact with materials like fur.

When sensitive skin is exposed to the factors mentioned above, it may turn red, sting or burn.

Sensitive skin is steered by nerve ending in the skin topmost layer getting irritated.

The irritation occurs when the natural skin barrier is broken or weakened by triggers.

Some types of food can accelerate skin irritation. Therefore, it is prudent to watch the kinds of foods you eat, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Food and Sensitive Skin:

In this blog post, we will share more about the best food for eczema and sensitive skin.

We will shed light on having a balanced diet that consists of crucial nutrients that promotes skin beauty.

Skincare is an art that should be taken with the seriousness it deserves. Furthermore, our beauty is based on skin appearance.

The millennials are more inclined to eating cupcakes and junk foods over fruits. A Vegetarian is more likely to have glowing skin since vegetables are vital nutrients to better skincare.

Eating foods with vitamins is not only good for overall body health but also to your skin. Your skin becomes more sensitive as you grow old. Therefore, you should consider becoming a vegetarian to satisfy your skin needs.

6 Tips for People with Sensitive Skin:


1. Eat Antioxidants.

Antioxidants are like soldiers in your body. They fight the harmful radicals, especially those that cause cancer.

Your body is always in need of soldiers to keep fighting unwanted elements.

This means that we should continuously eat food rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E, fruits and vegetables.

A vegan has a higher ability to reverse free radical damage compared to a non vegan because of their eating style.

But there are also other things that people might think are unhealthy like dark chocolate, red wine, tea and coffee that have antioxidants.

2. Consume Fatty Acids.

Fatty acids are essential in preventing inflammation. This means that fatty acids go a long way to prevent and relieve sensitive skin conditions such as rosacea and eczema.

Fatty acids help in attaining a smooth glowing skin. Foods rich in fatty acids include avocados, olive oil, oily fish and nuts.

Fatty acids are a natural moisturizer for your skin. They ensure your skin is elastic and supple.

Besides, these fats come along with a dose of vitamin E, which aids the body in fighting free radical damage.

3. Drink Plenty of Water.

The skin needs to be hydrated. When you don’t take enough water, your skin looks tired, dry and slightly grey.

A doctor recommends six to eight glasses of clean water daily. Ensure you carry a water bottle to work.

In addition, fluids can be found from fruits and vegetables such as courgette, watermelon and cucumber.

Avoid excessive alcohol intake or, if you can, stop drinking it completely, and get rid of smoking if you have a habit, as they can accelerate skin aging.

These unhealthy habits dehydrate you and your skin. Maybe now is the time to replace them with healthy habits like exercise and cooking.

4. Take Zinc.

Taking enough zinc is one of the most effective organic skincare methods.

Zinc works by regulating sebaceous glands which are responsible for oil production on the skin.

If your skin is prone to breakouts, oily or dryer, this is a clear indication that your body is in short of zinc.

Foods rich in zinc include whole grains and kidney beans.

There are several cruelty free foods that can help your sensitive skin remain soft, healthy and looking beautiful.

5. Eat Foods with High Protein and High Fiber.

Fibre has an array of benefits in our bodies. Its benefits can be linked to organic skincare.

Food high in protein and fibre delays the digestion process, which in turn lower insulin levels.

High insulin level can cause acne thus taking food high in fibre can smoothen up your skin.

Also, foods rich in proteins helps in production of collagen. Collagen inhibits aging of the skin.

Therefore, one of the tips to keep your skin looking young is taking plenty of proteins.

Foods rich in fibre and proteins include eggs, beans, yoghurt and staple beans, among others.

6. Camomile Tea.

This is a herbal type of tea made from flower petals and has a sweet flavour that contains fruity and herbal notes.

One of the primary benefits of camomile tea is enhancing a better skin. Sond recommends this tea for use in baths to treat scaly and itchy skin.

In addition, camomile tea has antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties that are vast in relieving skin conditions such as rosacea and eczema.

Other benefits of camomile tea include aiding digestion, reducing stress, boosting the immune system, promoting healthy hair and improving quality of sleep.

This food guide entails tips for improving the appearance of your skin by eating healthy foods.

According to Sond, a healthy diet is the primary natural moisturizer and protector of your skin.

When to Seek Dermatological Help:

If you have sensitive skin, you need to regularly check your skin with the help of a licensed dermatologist at least once a year or whenever the need arises. This is done to avoid skin breakout and the possibility of developing skin diseases and even skin cancer. A dermatology Orlando clinic can help you assess the health condition of your skin to avoid unnecessary problems in the future.

So, when do you need to contact a dermatologist? 

1. Moles and Other Skin Growths.

Skin tags, moles, and other skin growths can look unsightly, which don’t necessarily require any medical treatment. But skin growths that are changing in color, size, shape, or texture should prompt you to set an appointment to see a skin professional or dermatologist right away.

2. Severe of Cystic Acne.

Mild or moderate acne can be treated by over the counter skin treatments or a local general practitioner who can advise some treatments. However, severe or cystic acne should warrant you to seek the help of a skin specialist immediately.

3. Other Abnormal or New Skin Appearances.

If you see any new or abnormal skin appearances, like new discoloration, moles, or anything odd or unfamiliar in your skin, you should have it checked by a dermatologist right away. They could be signs of other internal medical conditions.

If you have a taste of fashion and appearance of your skin is a significant concern to you, follow this guide.

Here’s how a dermatologist can help:

Skin Assessment: A dermatologist will assess your skin health problem, including inspection of your troublesome skin conditions. Because dermatologist appointments usually take about an hour or two for complete skin assessment and treatment, make sure to wear comfortable loose clothing before undergoing skin care exams.

Skin Treatment: The dermatologist can prescribe medications or skin treatments as needed. Dermatologists can diagnose and treat thousands of skin diseases. Some examples include acne, nail infections, warts, eczema, psoriasis, and skin cancer.

Our personal advice is to always seek advice from a professional dermatologist. But you can introduce healthier diet, more active lifestyle and better skin hygiene in order to make sure that your skin is getting everything it needs to be healthy.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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