The Emotional Mastery Program


I have good news and bad news for you.

You have been ignoring what your emotions were SCREAMING to you all your life.

You have missed living through your full potential, didn’t go far with most of your personal growth, missed most opportunities and chances that would have made your life more beautiful than your wildest imagination.

You were at the mercy of your emotions. They controlled most of your behavior, your mood, and they still do. They even shape the reality you live in.

You feel sad, everything suddenly becomes sad. You feel happy, everything becomes happy. You are angry, you think everything sucks. You are afraid and suddenly your whole reality is filled with fear.

You are not in control, your emotions are!

Yeah, those are the bad news.

When your emotions are in control you might end up in places you don’t want to be, with people you don’t want to be with, and even hurt the ones you truly love because an emotion, like anger for example, might make you react in ways you will regret.

You react on the energy behind the emotion.

You do not really LISTEN to what the emotion says.


That’s why you are not where you want to be in life, still!

Not being in control of your emotions is dangerous. You might make wrong decisions, hurt loved ones, even hurt yourself.

You are a blind and deaf person driving a human vehicle!

I will be honest with you buddy, I was like everyone else, I thought… well I didn’t even think much. An emotion comes, I react. That’s how I lived.

I was driven by them. I was not in control.

They shaped my reality.

They determined my choices.

They were my master.

Still, to this day I sometimes react on my emotions. But FAR LESS than I used to.

I am completely in control of my emotions, my reality, my decisions and the way I feel!

How and why did I change?

It’s because I realized 3 CRUCIAL facts about Emotions!

1. Emotion means energy in motion. It’s the label we put on this movement of energy that determines its meaning.

2. Each emotion has within a powerful and valid message. To learn and speak the language of emotions means to start understanding your heart and listen to the primordial wisdom of your soul.

3. We are all traumatized. We all, collectively, suck at good emotional hygiene, we have stuck energy pockets within our being that shape our reality, sabotage our happiness, and make us suffer unnecessarily.

As I learned The FULL language of Emotions I understand each emotion now. I do not fear, I do not resist, I do not escape them.

I do not let their energy drive me.

I use EVERY emotion now to discover more of myself, to get a direction of my purpose, to grow and thrive!

And whenever they arise, whatever emotion comes, I embrace it FULLY and I understand its message.

It gives me powerful information that shows me the right direction.

It shows me what’s best for me and my soul’s growth every single time!

Not understanding your emotions is being deaf to your own soul, it’s missing out on your greatest potential, not living your greatest life, it’s not understanding the language that SCREAMS to you all the right directions and all the right things, all the freaking time every single day.

This part of you keeps telling you what you need to do, where you need to go, with who and how, in order to become the best version of yourself!

But you do not understand this language!

You might speak 100 languages, but you have no clue about the most important language that anyone can ever learn.

The good news are that you can learn the language of Emotions.

We have created the most groundbreaking program yet, Emotional Mastery!

We dissected each of the 28 emotions we feel daily and uncovered what each emotion is really trying to tell you.

For example, anger tells you that someone or something is stepping on your boundaries. Fear tells you the direction where you will find most growth and transformation. Love tells you… well, we will tell everything inside the program why bother you here.

We created simple techniques you can use to rise above your emotions and use them to become your best friend, your personal guide to becoming the best version of yourself.

Do not be slave to your own emotions. Instead, master them. Become their Master!

What’s Inside Emotional Mastery:

Chapter 1: Mastering The Energy of Your Emotions

In this chapter we learn what are emotions, what is the difference between emotion and a feeling, how to become more aware of your emotions, how to create space between the emotion, yourself and your response to the emotion and how to deal with each emotion in a healthy and productive way.

Chapter 2: The Language of Emotions

In this chapter we learn the full language of emotions, we explain the 4 primary groups of emotions and the purpose each group of emotion has, you will see why there is no such thing as negative and positive emotions, we dissect all of the 24 main emotions we feel daily and the 4 primary emotions at their center, we tell what each emotion’s secret message is, the 3 questions you need to ask for each emotion to unlock the message it tries to tell you about you and your life, we learn the complete language of your emotions and how to use them as a personal compass to greatness.

Chapter 3: Raising The Levels of Your Vibration

In this chapter we show how emotions are related to your vibration and health, we reveal the 12 levels of emotions and the 3 states of consciousness, we show you how to release stuck energy from your nervous system and how to clean the energy levels so you can raise the levels of your consciousness, we. tell you exactly what trauma is, why we are all traumatized to a certain degree, how to overcome your traumas, how to have a healthy emotional hygiene, we raise the levels of your vibration and show you how to use breathing as a tool for emotional regulation at any moment in your life.

Extra Chapter: How to Overcome Anxiety, OCD and Panic Attacks

In this chapter Danny Highfeel shares his personal experience how he overcame his anxiety, OCD and panic attacks by himself without any pills in just few weeks, from not being able to get out from his home alone to being able to travel the world and meet new people.

If you want to:

– Master Your Emotions;
– Learn The Language of Emotions;
– Know How to Always Do The Right Thing;
– Uncover The Secret Message That EACH Emotion is Trying to Tell You;
– Improve Your Default Overall Mood;
– Rise from Self Victimhood to Self Empowerment and Even Self Transcendence;
– Learn The 12 Levels of Emotions and 3 States of Consciousness;
– Increase The Quality of Your Life from Average 5 on a Scale 1 to 10, to at least 9;
– Get Lifetime Access to Life Coach Code Academy and Premium Content;
– Get in a Secret Facebook Group Specially Designed for Emotional Mastery;
– Get BONUS Life Coach Code Pocket Coach App pre Release;
– Get BONUS Ebook Emotional Dictionary
– 1on1 Life Coaching Call with Danny, The Creator of Emotional Mastery, Personally;
– Customized Meditation for Releasing Stuck Emotional Energy and Inner Trauma;


Apply here for an Earlybird Plan for Emotional Mastery and GET ALL OF THE THINGS MENTIONED ABOVE for a fragment of the price and before anyone else even knows the program is released!

Emotional Mastery Product Program

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I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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