Can practicing yoga help reduce symptoms of tinnitus? Tinnitus is defined as a persistent sound that one may hear in their head that is not coming from the outside world.
Many individuals are looking for natural ways to help control and manage their symptoms.
Yoga is the practice of using physical postures and poses in order to cleanse one’s body and provide the physical strength and power necessary for long spans of meditation. While tinnitus is typically characterized by a relentless ringing or buzzing noise and is linked to disruptions in auditory synapses within the brain, yoga is traditionally thought of as a practice of relaxation, flexibility, clarity, and focus. Thus, yoga can be used as a powerful way to mitigate tinnitus symptoms.
Living with tinnitus can be very stressful for anyone, and so it’s critical to find ways to unwind and refocus when dealing with tinnitus related characteristics. Feeling stressed or scattered by tinnitus can cause a plethora of additional symptoms or can intensify existing symptoms.
Yoga has been proven to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase attention span, and thus, by extension, can assist in dulling tinnitus symptoms.
This auditory condition tinnitus has been strongly linked to stress and a lack of focus, so by practicing yoga on a daily basis, you may find that your tinnitus symptoms have been significantly reduced or may perhaps even disappear altogether in conjunction with your tinnitus sound therapy.
5 Reasons Yoga Helps With Tinnitus:

1. Reduce Stress.
Stress can be one of the most serious things increasing your tinnitus symptoms. Both physical and emotional stress can play into this.
However, according to Mayo Clinic, yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines that may help you achieve peacefulness of body and mind, and this can help you relax and manage stress.
By decreasing stress, you can significantly reduce the severity of your tinnitus symptoms.
A study published by the National Institutes of Health states: “There were statistically significant differences in tinnitus handicap, stress and severity questionnaire scores and the results were better after the yoga intervention.”
This means that regardless of the reason a participant was dealing with tinnitus or the severity of their symptoms, yoga was shown to reduce stress and thus reduce the intensity of their tinnitus overall.
2. Increase Blood Flow.
Another reason why yoga can be helpful in treating tinnitus symptoms is that it increases blood flow throughout the body, and increased blood flow to the head can make a significant difference in tinnitus symptoms. In particular, there are several poses that are thought to reduce tinnitus symptoms. Specifically, trikonasana, also known as triangle pose, can help increase blood flow into the head and neck area.
As a result, you may begin to feel your ears open, even with a pleasant pop, which may have a powerful impact on your tinnitus symptoms.
3. Decrease Anxiety.
Anxiety can be much more persistent than stress and can factor into everything you do.
Lowering anxiety levels has been shown to bring about a reduction in tinnitus symptoms in the same way that lowering stress does.
As yoga is a known way to reduce overall anxiety levels, it’s highly recommended as a way to mitigate the consistent buzz or hiss associated with tinnitus.
In addition, this reduction in anxiety can lead to a pleasant cyclical effect in that the less anxiety you have, the duller your tinnitus symptoms may become, and as a result, your anxiety may continue to decrease.
4. Minimize Overall Symptoms.
One effect of yoga that is sometimes overlooked due to the plethora of potential benefits is its ability to center a person.
Tinnitus is often associated with high levels of distraction and an inability to focus due to the constant influx of unwanted noise. However, thanks to the calming and centering impact of yoga, one may find that they’re better able to focus on their tasks at hand and will, therefore, be less cognizant of their tinnitus symptoms.
5. Boost Mood.
Yoga is also known as an excellent mood booster. It decreases stress and anxiety, increases blood flow, helps one get into shape, and offers a plethora of other benefits.
Therefore, one is often much more positive overall when practicing yoga on a regular basis.
Anyone who has struggled with tinnitus knows that some days can be a real challenge, so any boost to one’s mood can have powerful effects.
Using yoga to reduce stress and anxiety, in addition to boosting mood and improving overall physicality, especially regarding blood flow, are all proven methods for decreasing tinnitus manifestations. Introducing yoga into your daily life is an excellent way to counteract tinnitus inducing circumstances and regain control over your symptoms. Seeing a qualified audiologist can help to reduce tinnitus symptoms significantly, but it can still be a daily battle while waiting for full relief. Thus, an overall mood booster such as yoga can help to keep one positive while waiting for their treatment to quell their symptoms.