What’s the worst thing about living in the megacities? Streets full of tourists or overcrowded traffic? Not only that. Learn how air harms your health and how to protect yourself.
People dreaming of moving to the megacity have no idea what shortcomings they will face apart from the job far from home, long lines in the stores, overcrowded streets, and public transport. But no one ever considers environmental factors like air pollution. Let’s check some tips on how to protect yourself from air pollution.
The World Health Organization has identified air pollution as one of the biggest threats to health. Learning about the risks of air pollution in your area is the first step to reduce its impact on your body. Look for information on various credible environmental websites. You can remind yourself of your college days. Did you have principles of personal and social safety at college?
If yes, you probably had to write a lot of research papers on this subject, and you know what information sources are trustworthy. But if you used some assistance, like services for college homework help online, or someone else was writing it for you, than you are probably unaware of how to and where to find the right knowledge about this subject. So now is the best time to search reliable information on the internet.
Also, you can download the mobile application State of the Air. It will allow you to check the air quality level every day. Search for the reports on the state of the air published by your city. For example, New York City government agencies publish the Air Quality Index every day on the Department of Environment website.
4 Tips How to Protect Yourself from Polluted Air:

1. Wear a mask.
Don’t choose a regular surgical mask, which only protects against germs, but a close fitting respirator mask filtering the inhaling air. Make sure you put it on right because even a tiny is enough to get specs of dust into your nose.
2. Gargle your throat regularly.
Get into the habit to gargle your throat every time you come home. It will wash the settled specs of dust out and be a good prevention of colds.
3. Get more room plants.
Room plants can increase the air humidity, clean it from harmful substances, and improve the microclimate in the room. Scientists advise having one large plant for every 10 square meters.
4. Eat healthily.
Change your diet to help your lungs resist the effects of air pollutants. Eat more food that contains vitamin A and beta carotene. Margarine, butter, sweet potatoes, carrots, and liver are full of these useful substances. Oranges, strawberries, mangoes, grapefruit, broccoli, and papaya are rich in vitamin C that has a good impact on blood vessels. Pay attention to vitamin E in your diet. Eat green leafy vegetables, whole grains, egg yolks, butter, and vegetable oils.
Besides that, eat food that contains selenium as it protects your liver and lungs from damage by free radicals that can cause lung cancer. To avoid it, eat more eggs, onion, garlic, whole grains, and fish.
In general, vitamins have a positive effect both on physical and mental health. You might start learning better and more productive.
Eating healthy is more than just for the health. It provides you with enough energy to tackle your goals. Instead of your request, I need help on my homework. Can you do it for me? or I feel too tired to study. I will do it tomorrow. maybe even begging others to help you with your other tasks, you will be able to do your tasks yourself. You will be able to tackle all your business projects instead of saying that you don’t have energy and postpone reaching your goals.
Healthy food will give you the extra energy to do all the tasks that you need to do by yourself, without any external help.
So eating healthy is more than just about polluted air and health, it’s about your energy and well being.