6 Things to Expect from a Health Insurance Policy in Times of Uncertainty


With the whole situation in the world, taking care of your health has been highlighted as the biggest priority right now.

It should always be like this, but the situation has just highlighted the obvious, that your health is most important, more important than anything else.

Many people reconsider their insurances. Health insurance is a type of policy that covers payment for your medical bills.

It enables you to avoid paying the full cost of a medical procedure or treatment that you might need to get better.

It is just like a home or car insurance, where you choose a plan or a policy and pay a monthly premium.

In return for signing up for this policy, the health insurance company agrees to cover some part of the payment for the medical treatments you undergo.

Whether you sign up for health insurance at your work or by yourself, sifting through various health insurance plans or policies can be an intimidating task, since there exist thousands of health insurance providers out in the marketplace. After all, healthcare is a necessity for every human being.

Life is something that can be full of surprises, and having a medical emergency is one such surprise that 70 percent of human beings experience at least once in their lifetime. So much so, that it cannot be considered as a surprise anymore.

Knowing what to expect from a health insurance policy is crucial before you even consider buying it. As there are thousands of options available at your disposal, things can get confusing very quickly if you start to compare health insurance policies.

But not to worry as today, we will share with you some things that you should expect when buying health insurance for either yourself or your family members.

Some of them are listed as follows.

6 Things to Expect from a Health Insurance Policy:


1. Different packages come with different benefits.

If you are in your mid twenties, then a wise decision would be to sign up for a single health insurance plan.

However, what if you are the sole earner in your family and your wife or children fall sick?

It will turn into a big hassle having to pay for medical bills and routine check ups with only you as a single breadwinner in your family.

A wise decision would be to sign up for a family health insurance plan. That way, your whole family will be covered, and you will not have to pay out of your pocket.

Also, you will be at peace of mind knowing you need not worry about their wellbeing.

Choosing the policy, like ones from Cigna health insurance that suits your budget and requirement, limits the amount of money spent on medical bills to avoid putting a dent on your income.

2. Types of illnesses covered.

A common cold is a type of sickness that comes and goes and does not cause you much harm, nor does it need a large amount of money to treat.

But, what if you experience a medical condition or problem that requires an operation, or you are diagnosed with cancer or go through a heart bypass surgery.

All these medical issues require immediate attention and need a large amount of cash to treat.

When you have a health insurance plan in place, you can rest assured that in case of a medical emergency, you will be able to get high quality medical treatments without busting the bank.

Hence, when you sign up for a health insurance plan, you get coverage for both critical and non critical illnesses.

3. Pre and post hospitalization coverage.

When you sign up for a quality health insurance plan, you can expect to get treatment from any hospital that comes under your health insurance provider’s coverage.

It could be a major or minor illness, and your health insurance will pay for it or cover at least 50 percent of the hospital bill, depending on the type of health insurance policy you have purchased. 

Incase of post hospitalization coverage, if you suffer from an illness that can be treated at home or you just went through a surgery and are recovering at your home, then you do not need to worry in that scenario as well.

Your insurance will cover the medical expenses that incur during your treatment at home.

4. Accidental death or permanent disability coverage.

Accidents don’t warn before occurring. If you are a victim of an accident that causes permanent disability or even death, then your insurance provider will reimburse your next of kin if such an accident occurs.

You can rest assured that even when you are not in this world anymore, or you cannot work due to a permanent disability, your health insurance policy will provide monetary cover for your family to pay for daily expenses.

5. Maternity expense coverage.

Health insurance has a lot of maternity benefits, and people either choose to ignore them or don’t even know of their existence.

With maternity expenses on the rise with every passing day, it is a wise decision to buy a health insurance plan that takes care of maternity expenses.

Chances are, this clause might already be present in your existing health insurance policy.

However, there is usually a wait of two to 3 years before you gain eligibility for maternity benefits.

For example, if you are planning to get married and conceiving a child after two or three years, then now is the right time to get a maternity health insurance policy that has a waiting period of two years.

Also, go for a health insurance plan that allows coverage for your newborn baby’s medical expenses along with delivery expenses.

6. Preventative health check up coverage.

Preventative health check ups such as MRIs and cancer screenings are very expensive nowadays.

When there is an option of your health insurance provider covering for such a cost, why not use it?

You are likely to save a lot of money when it comes to getting everyday routine check ups.

When you sign up for a health insurance policy, make sure that your insurance provider gives you coverage for such medical expenses. Also, don’t forget to check the coverage limit as well.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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