Should CBD Tincture Be Part of Your Wellness Routine and What are The Benefits


In the world of competitive sports, and in life, athletes are always looking for a way to up their game. At the highest levels, small tweaks are often the difference between winning and losing. As a result, many athletes put considerable thought into their diet and supplement routines to ensure optimal performance and are constantly on the hunt for any product that could turn the tide in their favor. 

CBD has emerged as an increasingly trusted supplement for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike to improve their overall health, as well as optimize their performance in their sport of choice and in daily life.

Far from being simply a tool to enhance athletic ability, CBD is being hailed as a powerful agent for improving the health and vitality of consumers at large.

One particular form of CBD that has come to be known as CBD tinctures has proven particularly helpful for these purposes.

But, first things first.

What exactly are CBD tinctures, and what are the specific benefits they offer that may not be found in conventional CBD oil

Should CBD Tincture Be Part of Your Wellness Routine:


The benefits of CBD.

CBD, or cannabidiol oil, is an oil derived from the cannabis plant. However, unlike marijuana, CBD contains virtually no THC.

THC is the component of marijuana that produces a psychoactive effect in users, so as a result, CBD oil does not get users high.

Even though it doesn’t get you high, it is not to say that CBD oil doesn’t produce a variety of desirable mental effects in users because, in fact, it does.

Although not psychoactive, CBD oil interacts with users’ endocannabinoid system to induce states of calm, relaxation, and tranquility.

As a result, people around the world take CBD oil to improve their sleep, reduce anxiety, and even help combat some of the debilitating effects of depression.

In fact, according to a piece by the New York Times, when 5000 people were surveyed as to why they take CBD oil, more than 60 percent said that they take it for anxiety.

Moreover, CBD also boasts a variety of other benefits, besides just the positive mental states it helps users achieve.

Some of these benefits include pain relief, alleviating cancer related symptoms, positive impacts on heart health, and even acne reduction.

Given its numerous positive effects, it’s easy to see why many consumers concerned about their mental and physical wellbeing are introducing it into their daily wellness routine.

CBD is processed, integrated, and administered in a variety of different ways, and each method has its own pros and cons.

Most commonly, CBD oil is diluted using a carrier oil that is high in fat content.

Coconut oil is the most popular choice.

Coconut oil or other high fat oils such as olive oil, grape seed oil, or hemp oil help to increase the bioavailability of CBD in the body, as well as to enrich the product.

This method presents many obvious benefits, and it’s easy to see why it’s currently the most popular to prepare CBD oil for consumption. 

Many of CBD products prepared in this fashion have risen in popularity, with the Washington Post reporting an uptick in sales of CBD oils in recent times.

There are other effective methods.

In terms of administering CBD tinctures, most people use the sublingual method, which consists of holding the CBD under the tongue for 30 to 60 seconds before swallowing it.

However, their high potency makes them perfect as an additive to cooking some delicious edibles.

Some users even add it to their salads or smoothies while others opt for CBD infused cocktails or other beverages.  

Luckily for those consumers, CBD is by and large legal in the US. There are a few caveats to this.

The CBD oil must contain less than 0.3 percent in THC. Anything more than that and they will be classified as a form of cannabis which is still federally illegal.

Local laws and ordinances can also complicate the issue. Although most states are gradually loosening regulations around CBD oil, it’s worth doing some research into your state’s position on CBD before incorporating it into your wellness routine.

There are many places available online that provide more clarity on regulation and this guide from Kyro is a good resource.

Despite its myriad benefits and global accolades, CBD isn’t a magic bullet when it comes to wellness.

No one should expect their health concerns to vanish by integrating it into their daily health routines or take disingenuous or exaggerated claims about its abilities at face value.

CBD oil should be seen as one of many tools to improve the wellbeing of the user, and nothing more.

It should be part of a larger lifestyle that puts health at the forefront and includes optimal diet, exercise, and nutrition.

To work on getting your lifestyle in check, it can be helpful to follow a good health and lifestyle publication, so that you can make sure your efforts to improve your mental and physical health aren’t one sided.

With all that said, good luck organizing the lifestyle that’s most conducive to your peak performance and optimal health.

And, if you think CBD tinctures should be a part of it, consult your doctor, take the necessary precautions and give it a go.

And note that we do not advise or promote the usage of CBD. We are just sharing information that some readers might find helpful. It’s always the smartest decision to consult with your doctor before making an important decision for your health.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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