Is It Better to Vape or Smoke Marijuana and What are The Possible Harms


The plant cannabis is one of the most controversial ones. This plant, that some call it marijuana or weed, has been a subject of debate whether should be legal or not for almost a century.

The laws governing marijuana use have continued to shift across the world, none more so than in the USA.

A substance that was once condemned as a gateway drug with an array of potential dangers is now considered by more than 30 states to hold medical properties that can address a broad range of health issues.

For this reason, most of the states legalizing marijuana use are promoting three avenues of consumption, smoking, vaping, and eating.

Today, we’ll sift primarily through the differences and health risks of vaping and smoking.

The Risks of Vaping and Smoking:


For years, experts have constantly reminded us of the dangers of tobacco smoke inhalation from pipes, cigars, and cigarettes.

In the case of marijuana, some studies have suggested that it holds a range of health benefits thanks to its cannabinoid compounds.

One of the more notable cannabinoids called CBD, in particular, is why a considerable number of people believe there is less danger to smoking marijuana than tobacco.

Unlike the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, CBD does not get you high.

The Risks of Smoking:

It has long been established that inhalation of smoke, whether it comes from tobacco, weed, or other substances, can be detrimental to your health.

The practice of smoking marijuana usually requires users to hold the smoke in longer compared to tobacco smoking.

This heightens the risk of tar exposure, which is bad for the lungs.
Some of the health issues that could potentially result from chronic smoking of weed are, Compromised immune system, Coughing and wheezing, Increased mucus production, Chronic bronchitis, Heightened risk of infection for immunocompromised individuals, Heightened risk of respiratory tract infections, Presence of air pockets between the chest wall and lungs.

The Risks of Vaping:

Vaping is another popular method for consuming marijuana these days.

It entails using a vaporizing device, usually called an e cigarette, to inhale heated oil.

However, a vaporizer can also be used instead of an e cigarette to produce vapor from dried cannabis.

Since smoke inhalation isn’t involved in vaping, most believe it is a safer way to consume marijuana.

Not much research, though, has gone into cannabis vaping. Thus, there’s limited information on its detrimental health effects.

From what experts have gathered throughout the years, though, it has been proven that inhaling THC oil can be harmful to the lungs.

That is because many vaping items with THC are also known to contain vitamin E acetate, which can severely affect lung health.

As of late 2019, almost 2,600 lung injury cases due to vitamin E acetate inhalation were reported across 50 states.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC, 55 of these cases led to death.

Over the years, children have also become victims of vaping related illnesses.

It is believed that even one time vaping of oils or liquids can harm your lungs.

Since vaping hasn’t been comprehensively studied yet, there’s a good chance that this might not even be the worst of it.

A few states that have legalized marijuana warn their users proactively that vaping these liquids can cause serious lung injuries and even death.

The CDC is your best source for current vaping related incidents, so make sure to check their site regularly.

How are Vaping and Smoking Different:

Smoking makes use of dried marijuana plant parts and concentrates. There are four main ways to smoke cannabis.

Using a cigarette paper to roll the dried parts of the flower into a joint, creating a spliff, which is marijuana mixed with tobacco, for a less potent smoking session, using pipes or bongs to smoke cannabis, and smoking marijuana using concentrates, like kief and hash, which are more potent than the flower.

Vaping, on the other hand, uses dry ground herb, which is a more concentrated form of marijuana.

For this reason, it’s considered to be a more potent system of delivery that gets you more high.

It is believed that first time or infrequent cannabis users are more likely to experience side effects from THC delivery through vaping than smoking.

How Fast Do They Take Effect:

The effects of smoking and vaping on your system are almost immediate. These effects usually peak within 15 minutes of delivery.

For either of these methods, health experts recommend that you take your time.

Smoke or vape slowly, taking in small amounts initially and letting your body adjust before consuming more. This could mean waiting up to 30 minutes in between deliveries.

Also, you need to remember that the quality of vape products will affect how high you will get. If you live in Canada, a good place to buy your vaping product is: We have lots of friends who vape and it’s their go to place.

Should You Smoke or Vape Cannabis If You Have to Choose:

In our opinion you shouldn’t do it either way if you are a healthy individual. However, if for some reason you should do it, here is what the evidence suggests.

The amount of available evidence suggesting smoking is the safer delivery system is overwhelming.

However, to be fair, researchers have barely scratched the surface of marijuana vaping, so the tide may still turn into cannabis vapers.

Both smoking and vaping carry significant risks to your health, so make it a point to engage in them moderately, if at all.

If you’re leaning towards vaping, use the healthier CBD oil without the THC, since it does not contain the dangerous vitamin E acetate.

Still, in the context of passing the vaping vs smoking marijuana drug test, you’d be better off smoking a joint that has 50 to 80 percent lower THC content than the cannabis oil used for vaping.

You should keep in mind that we are not advising smoking nor vaping. We do not advise or promote the usage of cannabis. We are just sharing information that some readers might find helpful. It’s always the smartest decision to consult with your doctor before making an important decision for your health.

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