4 Healing Tips to Follow After Your Liposuction Surgery


If you’re trying to lose weight, you should avoid fad diets and trendy fitness programs. They are almost always too good to be true.

Moreover, some of them are simply dangerous and even unhealthy.

If you are following our health related articles, you might have noticed that we tend to advise and prioritize the hard way of getting fit. Actually doing exercise and eating healthy.

We advise this because we know that any change you work for lasts much longer than the quick solutions. It’s also training you to become and identify yourself as the healthy fit person, meaning your default will be being fit.

However, as the name says, the hard way is hard. And for some people extra help is just necessary. That’s one reason why you might’ve looked towards liposuction as your holy grail. However, you might have wondered about liposuction recovery.

What Will Liposuction Do for You Anyway?

What is liposuction exactly?

As WebMD says in their article “Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that removes fat that you can’t seem to get rid of through diet and exercise.”

It would be wrong to say that you will drastically lose weight through liposuction though.

It is used for contouring the body by removing those resilient pockets of fats that refuse to melt away through diet or exercise. It’ll help you in slimming down.

How it is done?

Performed under general anesthesia, the surgeon uses a cannula to suction the fat out of the body in certain areas, such as hips, thighs, belly, or arms, etc.

The procedure is relatively easy and offers an effective weight loss solution. Moreover, it can help take care of loose skin and cellulite.

Many people choose to have elective surgery during the holiday season. That way, they don’t have to worry about getting back to work anytime soon.

But what most people don’t know is that for some surgeries, such as liposuction, the patient might need downtime of only a few weeks.

How long is the recovery?

It is true that depending on your age, overall health, area of surgery, and type of liposuction, the recovery period can vary.

Soon after the surgery, you will probably experience pain, swelling, soreness, and redness.

These are normal consequences of invasive surgery and will heal with time. Swelling and bruising can take more than 6 months to completely go away.

Within a couple of months, you can start seeing the results of the surgery.

However, in order to ensure the longevity of your results, you need to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the clinic.

Meanwhile, you need to carefully monitor the surgical site for signs of infection.

Individual differences also dictate how long it will take for you to recover.

So, for an accurate estimate, you need to consult your surgeon.

Here, though, you can find out few tips how you can speed up the recovery process and make things easier for yourself.

Let’s take a look at a few of them.

4 Healing Tips to Follow After Your Liposuction:


1. Wear your compression garment.

After the liposuction surgery, your doctor will provide you with a compression garment.

It is a tight piece of clothing that will help your skin adjust to its new shape. Moreover, it can also take care of concerns regarding pain and swelling.

Depending on the area of the surgery and procedural technique, among other things, you might need to wear the garment for almost 2 months.

This might be a bit uncomfortable in the beginning. But remember that it is only temporary and one way to ensure that you get the best results after liposuction.

2. Take your medications.

It’s crucial that you take your prescribed medicines on time. Otherwise, you may risk getting body aches and infections.

Look out for the signs of infection such as fever, chills, increased pain, redness, or discharge, etc. If this is happening to you, immediately contact your doctor.

3. Do some mild exercises.

You shouldn’t go anywhere near your gym for some time after the surgery. For that, you need to consult your surgeon.

Initially, you can try walking for short distances. You can increase the pace and distance as days pass by.

This will help your body to recover easily. Light yoga and pilates can help relax your muscles.

Make sure to avoid any risky moves that require a lot of exertion.

4. Eat healthy to stay healthy.

This isn’t something that you should only do during the recovery process. No matter at what time in your life, choosing to eat healthily is probably one of the best decisions that you’ll ever make.

If you want to sustain the results of your liposuction, you’ll have to let go of sugary, fizzy soft drinks. Vegetables, healthy fats, and proteins are all well and good but processed, and junk food is your worst enemy.

As you’ll have to let go of these things during the recovery process, think of it as the beginning of your health journey. Don’t look back from here onwards. Make it count.

Following the surgery, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that you need to combine healthy nutrition and exercise to maintain your surgery results.

Things might be a bit hard in the beginning, but after a few months, you are likely to end up happy and satisfied with your surgery.

Keep in mind that to achieve permanent results, you should change the way of living and how you see yourself.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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