10 Proven Secrets to Help You Sleep Better at Night


You can eat healthy, exercise, and follow every step of the “How to Be Healthy” manual, but if you lack quality sleep you are missing one of the most crucial parts of a healthy foundation in your life.

If you want to be well rested, perform well at school or work and be in a good mood, getting a good night of sleep is very important.

While most of us know the importance of sleep, so few of us actually get enough Quality sleep each and every night.

What’s the difference between normal sleep and quality sleep?

If you measure how much you slept, and you say you slept 8 hours that night, you might believe that you slept enough.

But you have no idea about the quality of that sleep.

You can sleep 8 hours every night, but if your sleep quality is poor, you are not really resting, your body is not repairing in its full potential.

So how do you measure quality of sleep?

You measure the sleep cycles and how long each of the 4 stages of one cycle appears in your night.

There are 4 sleep stages as we said, falling asleep, light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep.

Not enough deep sleep and REM sleep might indicate poor quality of sleep.

Lack of quality sleep often has negative consequences on mood, the mental state of the individual and physical health.

The lack of quality sleep is usually due to everything that happens before you go to bed. All the bad habits and the bad sleeping environment contribute to this.

There can be a number of different reasons why people may struggle to sleep, from insomnia, to too much caffeine.

No matter the reason, poor quality of sleep can have a very negative impact on your life.

If you are interested in learning a few tips and secrets to help you sleep better at night, this is the article for you.

We are going to go over 10 proven ways and secrets to get a better night of sleep.

10 Proven Secrets to Help You Sleep Better:


1. Replace Your Mattress.

You sleep on your mattress every night, so it makes sense to begin there. A big reason for your bad sleep at night could be your mattress.

If it is old, lumpy and simply not comfortable, having restful nights of sleep on it won’t be easy.

Sometimes, replacing your mattress is all you need to do. There are several different kinds out there, to fit the preferences of all.

For example, if you want a little bit of extra support, be sure to check out the top firm mattresses on the market.

In addition to your mattress, things like your pillows and sheets are also important and should be comfortable.

2. Choose the Right Temperature.

The temperature in your room can also have a major impact on how well you sleep.

If your room is too hot, or too cold, falling and staying asleep will be challenging.

In general, sleeping at a temperature of around 65 degrees F is comfortable for most.

Of course, try for yourself and see what you prefer. It is better to go a little too cool as opposed to a little too warm, as you can always get another blanket.

3. Be Sure to Wind Down.

If you try to go right to sleep after getting off work, after playing video games or watching an action movie, you may struggle.

You need to relax and wind down in the evening before finally hitting the hay.

You can do this by having a bath, reading a good book, listening to some calming sounds or music, or even some meditation.

Being in a relaxed state when attempting to fall asleep will make it a lot easier.

4. Ensure Your Sleeping Environment is Dark and Quiet.

We generally sleep the best when we are somewhere that is dark and quiet.

So if you have a lot of light coming into your room, it is best to block that out.

By closing your door and shutting your blinds or curtains, you should be able to block out most of the light.

As far as noise goes, this can be harder to deal with.

Some companies make sleep ear plugs and other devices to help deal with the potential noise you will face when you sleep.

5. Watch Your Caffeine Intake Later in the Day.

Caffeine is something that millions of Americans rely on every single day.

In fact, Americans consume around 400 million cups of coffee each and every day.

While it is generally fine to have earlier in the day, you want to avoid it later in the day.

Because coffee stimulates your nervous system, it makes it difficult to calm down enough to relax and sleep at night.

Generally coffee should be off limits in the evening and potentially even the late afternoon if you have an early bedtime.

Of course, the impact of coffee is different for everyone, so listen to your body.

6. Consider Visiting a Professional.

If you are struggling to sleep, it might be deeper than simply an uncomfortable bed or too much caffeine, you could have a sleep disorder.

Sleep disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia affect tens of millions of people in the USA alone.

If left untreated, sleep disorders can lead to severe complications. For example, untreated sleep apnea can heighten your risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart problems, liver problems, and metabolic syndrome.

Moreover, persistent poor sleep quality will eventually take a toll on your health, relationships, and overall quality of life.

A sleep related breathing problem like sleep apnea calls for lifestyle changes and medical treatment, including medication and the use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, to manage the condition and improve the patient’s sleep quality.

As a result, if you can’t seem to sleep better no matter what you try, consider visiting a doctor. They will be able to identify if you have a disorder, and find ways to help you.

7. Keep a Consistent Sleeping Schedule.

Having a consistent bed and wake up time is another important tip when it comes to sleeping well at night.

Our body has a natural circadian rhythm that helps to regulate our sleep and wake cycles, and you need to do your best to stay in tune with it.

If you are constantly going to bed and waking up at different times, it can be very confusing for your body.

8. Take a Supplement.

Something as simple as taking a sleep supplement can be your key to a better sleep at night.

For example, many people will take melatonin before bed, which is a supplement that can improve the quality of your sleep and even help you fall asleep faster.

There are several other examples out there, such as valerian root and magnesium. Before you take any sort of supplement, sleep related or otherwise, make sure to find out if it is safe or not.

9. Expose Yourself to Bright Light During the Day.

While too much bright light at night can hurt your sleep, exposing yourself to bright light during the day is actually a good thing.

Seeing a lot of sun or other light during the day can keep your circadian rhythm healthy and make sure that your body knows it is the daytime.

This gives you more energy, and can actually improve your sleep at night.

If you are in the dark all day and night, it can be hard for your body to adjust and know what time of day it is.

10. Don’t Forget to Exercise.

In addition to being great for your health, exercising often can also be great for your sleep.

It can help you sleep longer, sleep better and fall asleep more quickly.

Anything from light exercise to something more vigorous can all have benefits for sleep.

However, be careful when exercising too late in the day as that can actually have adverse effects on your sleep.

Without a good night of quality sleep, leading a productive and happy life can be a little difficult. Any or all of these secrets will help you sleep better at night.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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