3 Ways How Carbon Filters Work and Protect Your Health You Should Know if Your New Hobby is Gardening


Finding a new hobby is always good. It’s something new, exciting, something you want to learn, it increases the plasticity of your brain and it adds up to your skill set.

If you’ve recently picked up a flair for gardening or you’re planning to start soon, you must know about carbon filters and their functions.

Growing plants in a grow room is a smelly business. You don’t want the neighbors complaining about the skunk coming from your yard, do you?

Carbon filters help improve ventilation in the grow rooms, ensuring elimination of the nasty odors.

Even though it seems innocent, growing plants in your home comes with few health risks and issues that you should think about, like smell, dirt, particles and allergens.

Admittedly, growing plants yourself comes with a set of advantages. Firstly, you are in total control of the temperature, light intensity, water, and humidity. Secondly, you can easily keep pathogens and pests away as the space is limited. It’s relaxing, it brings you closer to nature, and it can be fun, especially when you see progress.

However, it’s crucial to get the best carbon filter for your grow room if you want to keep smells out. Otherwise, the scent will spread to your house, making it unbearable for you to exist without scrunching your nose every minute.

3 Ways How Carbon Filters Work and Protect Your Health:


A carbon filter is an exhaust system containing a bed of activated carbon.

The meshwork has tiny pores inside it with a layer of charcoal surrounding it.

The air in a grow room, tent, or any other isolated space vents through the filter. Then, the filter traps odors, spores, dust, and pollen.

Some advanced carbon filters also restrict the entry of airborne contaminants back into the grow room.

Although primarily made for odor removal, carbon filters have plenty of other uses too. Let’s discuss them in detail.

1. Helpful Against Odor Fatigue.

When your nose is exposed to a smell for a prolonged period, its sensitivity to that odor diminishes with time.

For instance, if you walk into a room that smells like rotten fish, the skunk will hit you strongly at first.

However, the longer you sit in that room, the less intense the smell will get.
Your body does this to prevent overloading your brain.

Since the brain must respond to all stimuli, it’s vital not to let it overwork over the same stimulus for too long.

Now, how does this apply to carbon filters?

Well, the dust and odors in your grow room are due to the chemical contaminants.

Also, there are hazardous particles in the air that you can smell but not see.

However, when you spend a lot of time in the grow room, the smell will fade away. But the particles are still there. A grow room carbon filter removes these dangerous particles, keeping the atmosphere clean and safe for you to work.

Therefore, even if you’re experiencing odor fatigue, the carbon filter looks out for you.

2. Filters The Air from Impurities.

Carbon filters employ a hydroponic system coupled with the adsorptive ability of activated carbon.

In layman’s terms, the dirt and odor particles stick to the carbon bed when they pass through the filter.

The filter traps these particles and does not let them go back into the grow room. The air freed of these impurities is allowed to circulate.

3. It Protects You from Allergens.

As it cleans the air from harmful particles, it can also clean the allergens that naturally fall off from the plants.

You might be passionate about gardening or growing plants, but you have to consider the fact that most of us are allergic.

And it’s smart thing to install one in the room or garden where you plan to grow.

It’s also easy to do so.

Most of them come with easy to follow instructions. So, you won’t need to get a handyman for the job.

Fortunately, carbon filters do not need frequent replacement. In most cases, you’ll have to change them every two years.

If your plants exhibit extensive growth, consider replacing the filter every 18 months.

However, if the situation isn’t very demanding, a filter can work fine for four years.

But then again, the final lifespan will depend on the quality of the filter, types of plants, and humidity levels.

Before you start a new hobby you should check all the health risks that might come with it, and even gardening brings some with it. If the unpleasant odors are making it difficult for you to pursue your hobby, than you will stop having good time doing that. So to prevent that, armor yourself with knowledge and the right tools.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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