The 7 Vital Questions to Ask When Choosing a Life Coach


With the current pandemic crisis, people are doing all they can to enhance their physiological immunity.

But, is that enough?

What about your mental wellbeing and overall wellness?

Due to more restrictions proposed to being imposed across the world and especially the UK, people are psychologically affected a great deal.

Businesses are getting shut down, women are feeling stressed doing double duty at work and home, and people are confused about what next step they should take.

As we face increasing restrictions, we are left with more time to pause and think, are we doing well in our lives with regards to work, love, friendships, or are there any changes we need to make?

The unfolding of current events is giving us a chance to do some valuable pondering. As a result, many people are turning to life coaches to help them figure out what kind of lives they want to lead and how they can make a difference.

You can easily find a life coach online these days, no matter where you live. No matter where you are based in the UK, you can find a top life coach in London by searching the web. For that matter, you can find any coach that is doing their session online from anywhere through the internet. That’s the benefit of technology.

And just like a tennis coach or cricket coach that improves the weaker areas in your game, life coach can help you hone your life skills and live life to the fullest.

They can also provide the right guidance to aid you in accomplishing the life goals you have set.

However, with so many life coaches to choose from nowadays, picking an impactful life coach can be challenging.

According to the International Coaching Federation, there are now nearly 2,500 accredited life coaches in the UK, amounting to a more than a two fold increase in five years. To help you pick the right life coach, here are some key questions to ask before making a decision.

7 Vital Questions for Choosing a Life Coach:


1. What do I need guidance with?

You may have definite goals that you need help with, be it opening a new business, coping with relationship problems, looking for happiness, improving your health, enhancing work and life balance, etc. Firstly, be clear with what you would like to achieve so you can choose an appropriate life coach.

2. What type of Coach do I Need?

There are many type of coaches, life coach, nutritional coach, wellness coach, executive coach, etc. Some focus on a specific area, while some focus on life in general.

It’s best to opt for a holistic life coach whose expertise spans all aspects of life for all rounded benefit.

3. Is the life coach certified?

In the UK, there are medical bodies and authoritative boards that provide various certifications for life coaches. People who claim to be a life coach may have done so by reading self help books or watching videos.

So how can you be sure of their qualifications to be a life coach who can deliver desirable results?

This is why you need to look for a credible life coach who has undergone significant coursework, training, and a valid accreditation that can vouch for their experience and expertise in the field.

4. What results have they accomplished with other clients?

It’s vital to check references and have access to first hand accounts of the results to help you assess the level of competence a prospective coach has.

In line with this, check the website and social media channels for feedback and testimonials to understand what you can expect from the life coaching sessions.

5. Are you willing to open up your issues with the coach?

To get the best out of life coaching sessions, you need to be ready to invest time, money, and emotional equity. The more committed you are and the more you open up, the more results you will accomplish. The benefits of individual coaching are that you can open up and get customized feedback. Therefore, choose a friendly and trustworthy coach with whom you feel safe and can establish camaraderie and get to the heart of the matter.

6. How do I know if life coaching works for me?

Most professional life coaches will help you set clear goals and draw up an action plan towards achieving them. Work with your life coach to set up a reasonable time frame to see and expect results.

7. Is the coach bombarding me with advice?

The best life coaches don’t primarily advise or preach philosophy to help you cope with life.

They provide a safe environment and framework to guide you in the right way.

While it may be worth having someone answer questions for you in the short term, the best life coaches will enable you to find those answers by following your heart and mind.

With everyone facing dire challenges during this crisis, it’s common to feel lost, confused and overwhelmed. A life coach can come to your rescue to uplift your spirits and give you direction.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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