3 Steps How To Optimize Efficiency And Grow Family that Can Help You To Run Law Firms


If you look deeply enough, you will find the same principles behind everything.

No matter if you are growing a family, a company or a team, there are certain principles that apply to all.

The idea of this article came when we were talking with one of our former employees that went to work in a law firm. He is starting a family now and their own law firm in the same time.

I asked him if it’s stressful to juggle with so many balls at once.

“You know, growing your own law firm is not that different from growing a family.”

These words inspired me to look deep into this. And what I found was that there are certain principles of growing a firm, family, a team, an organization, that apply to everything.

Managing law firms is not an easy part of the business. Even though the law firm is running successfully, it is still quite hard to manage it.

The challenge of moving forward and expanding the law firm from one person to many is itself challenging.

However, the problem doesn’t stop here. The shift brings in major legal procedures and management issues.

However, there are certain principles that apply here that can be found everywhere, even in growing a team. And if you follow these principles you will find 3 steps that will help you to grow a firm, a team, or a family.

Let’s talk about some of the few barriers that restrict the law firm to a smooth transition.

Step 1. Find What are The Barriers Stopping The Transitioning.


When you start a family you are transitioning from one person to two. It is not anymore just about you.

When you shift your business from a solo venture to a midsize business, you are bound to face problems.

The same thighs can be said for the law firms. The first step is to become aware of the barriers that’s presenting a problem for the transition.

Let’s explore some of the barriers that solo law firms face while shifting to small or midsize law firms so we can get a clearer picture about this principle.

1. Team Zero.

The Law firms that want to transition from a single man law firm to a midsize law firm must have a team that delivers your expectations.

Yes, core team members are important to run the business, however, do not forget that the lawyers affiliated with your firm also need to have a clear understanding of how your firm works.

The first barrier is getting people aligned with your mission.

2. No Market Knowledge.

Once a small law firm decides to enter the higher level of the market, they need the necessary knowledge and market experience to survive.

Hence, it is important that you learn all the necessary details before you make a transaction.

The second barrier is the experiential knowledge. You can learn whatever you want in theory but practice is a whole different world. You have to be able to just jump without feeling completely confident, to be brave, and a quick learner.

3. Bad System.

The system, technology, and the network are on a different level of the mid sized law firms compared with the solo ventured law firms.

It is important that you have the necessary tools and distribution network to make the transitions.

The third barrier comes later, having the right systems in place. You cannot live the old lifestyle of going out every weekend if you are planning to make a family, you cannot follow the daily tasks that the solo ventured law firms have if you want to grow. If your system is not aligned with the level of your growth than it will become your ceiling.

Step 2. Create a System with The Right Processes.

Before you can grow a family you have to know your daily responsibilities.

Before you grow a muscle you have to know what type of exercises you should do weekly.

Before you can shift to a mid sized law firm, it is important that you outline your work process.

What is the process of work?

Well, it is a system that can be used for doing any work repeatedly.

When law firms are small, they have less process work for the formal system.

However, as the team members grow and the firm size grows, processes become an integral part of running the business smoothly. To know more, visit website.

It is very important that you realize how process systems boost your law firm productivity.

Every good system is consisted of 3 main parts:

1. You need a process to track associates’ time and effectiveness.

To translate this, it means that you need to know how to check if you and your team are following the necessary steps of the system.

2. You need a process to track client and attorney communications.

To translate this, it means that you need to have some kind of effective feedback between the people included in the growth, between the team, between the team and the clients, between you and your partner, between you and your trainer.

3. You need a process for billing and accounting.

To translate this, it means that you need to have a way of getting and measuring results.

All these tasks are very important but cannot be done without the right process integrations.

Hence, you need a process that everyone can work to match the same efficiency as others.

Step 3. Stick with What is Effective.

If you stick with efficient processes, it will compound your progress. Staying on track is how you grow.

An effective system will make it easier for you to transition and grow a team, a family, a firm, group. It helps your law firm boost productivity and ultimately boost the ROI.

Let’s have a closure look and see how implementing a strong process and system can help.

Here are 4 tips to make each system more efficient from the beginning, or tweak it along the way.

1. Save Time On Repetitive Work.

There are many chores that need to be done reportedly, for instance, assembling the document, cooking and cleaning, weekly meetings.

This process can use automation technology to efficiently manage client’s data and necessary documents.

There are many ways to do things smarter and save time and energy.

For example, you can cook for the whole week, or plan it upfront, you can send emails if meetings are not really necessary, or do it remotely.

2. Reduce Error With Automation.

When you ask the associate to do the repetitive work, there is always a possibility of human error.

It can be as simple as a simple typo error or a much more obvious one like submitting wrong documents.

To ensure this kind of mistake doesn’t happen, the right processes can help the law firm repetitive work easily and terror free. Automatization can be used in a form of having a routine that is effective.

A great automatization should not take away from the quality though. This automatization practice should help the law firm reduce errors, not make more.

3. Allow You To Delegate Repetitive Work.

Once you have simplified the process, you can hand over the new employees’ work.

This saves time, money and with the right tracking system, you can track their work easily.

In other words, ask for help. Organize equal work at home, ask your trainer to help you out, ask the team to complete a simple task without your supervision.

If a law firm is growing from small to midsize, it is important that they prioritize the implementation of strong systems and the right processes. The same goes with family, the same goes even if you want to start a NPO. There are certain principles in life that if you learn, you will see how they apply everywhere. You can find patterns in almost everything.

How to Use This Article?

👉 Step 1. If you are growing a team, a firm, a family, make sure that you are aware of the barriers on your way.

👉 Step 2. Create a system that is easy to follow, simple to understand and brings you to the desired results.

👉 Step 3. Stick with the system and tweak it as you go along to be even more efficient without taking away from its quality.

All the knowledge on the planet will not help you if you do not take action.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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