
How Has Employees’ Preferences Towards Health and Wellbeing Benefits Changed Over Time and What’s The Main Reason

The office is a critical location for health education, illness prevention, and health safety services.

On average, full time workers in the United Kingdom spend more than a third of their day, five days per week, at work.

Although employers must provide a clean and hazard free workspace, they also have to improve individual well being and cultivate a healthier working atmosphere for UK employees.

In January 2021, Cezanne HR surveyed employees in the country from various industries to find out how their attitudes towards workplace benefits have changed since 2018. To find more information about this study, you can do so by clicking here.

Employers’ successful occupational systems and strategies will lower health risks and increase employees’ quality of life in the UK.

This will not go as far as if employees have preferences towards health and well being that do not push them to take advantage of such opportunities.

Ok, before we dive deeper into this issue, let’s answer the basics.

What are Employee Benefits?


Employee benefits are perks given to workers in addition to their wages or salaries.

Health insurance, as it is required for bigger companies, medical insurance, eye health coverage, paid personal leave, sick leave, child care, life insurance, fitness, retirement compensation, and other discretionary benefits given to staff and their families can be included in these benefits.

Benefits can be very valuable.

The cost of medical care alone will run into the hundreds of dollars every month. As a result, it’s important to think of bonuses as part of the overall pay package.

Make sure you know which ones you’ll be getting.

Offering compensation to your workforce is vital because it demonstrates that you care for their overall well being and potential.

A comprehensive employment rewards program will aid in attracting and retaining top talent.

Benefits will help you set your company apart from the competition.

Do people seek benefits concerning mental health?

According to Ginger’s 2019 Workforce Attitudes Towards Mental Health Report, while a certain level of stress on the job can be safe and even improve morale, persistent stress can take a toll on employees.

This effect is even more pronounced when many workplaces don’t have access to simple to use behavioral health resources.

The study uncovered a pattern in which people’s views toward mental well-being are changing for the better.

Many respondents, however, say that their employer’s wellness benefits do not suit their mental health needs.

Since their premiums are insufficient, one out of three individuals has paid for mental health care out of pocket because the available facilities are too small, unavailable, or not provided by their insurance or benefits package.

How Have Employee Attitudes Towards Benefits Changed?

Significant shifts in attitudes regarding employee benefits among UK workers were reported in 2021.

For example, although ‘enhanced leave’ was only ranked eighth most valuable in 2018, it was ranked first in 2021.

In contrast, although socials ranked second in 2018, they now rank ninth.

In 2021, flexible working was rated as an essential benefit, perhaps reflecting the fact that certain workers would like to work from home or need to change their work schedules to accommodate other obligations.

Employees valued and took advantage of opportunities that revolved around being physically present at work in 2018, such as travel loans, social activities, and so on.

Subsided food and fitness benefits, including gym memberships, are available.

As anyone would expect, priorities have changed in 2021 in the face of lockdowns and remote working.

Benefits that help workers balance the current stresses, such as flexible working hours and increased vacation time, are also at the top of the wish list.

Personal development opportunities, such as job advancement, are also in higher demand.

Workplace socials and gym memberships, which were formerly common, have been put on hold, at least for the time being.

The appeal to employers is direct.

If job incentives are to be appreciated, they must adapt to changing workplace realities and adjust their offers to accommodate the preferences of their staff.

Why is the Provision of Workplace Benefits Important to HR?

Employee benefits are not cheap. Offering the wrong incentives drains wasted limited resources and puts the company at a disadvantage when recruiting potential hires and maintaining existing ones.

Employee benefits should be clearly articulated to assist employers in selecting the ones they need.

Human resource experts do this through several means, including individual meetings with staff and corporate wide presentations.

They may also work together with communications staff to increase employee benefit recognition.

Though working citizens generally emphasize the benefits they obtain, only a minority are satisfied with them.

Human resources can come in here by educating workers about getting the most out of their insurance plan.

When it comes to persuading decision makers on what employers need, using employee compensation data will help.

For example, statistics on the average utilization of each form of benefit may be collected such that the next compensation plan is more beneficial to workers.

Furthermore, cost considerations should be monitored and compared to other factors, such as staff engagement and health goals.

The pandemic offers an impetus for HR departments to reconsider employee compensation and the importance they bring to both employers and workers.

Dejan Davcevski

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at if you have any direct question! Much Love!