One of the most commonly overlooked conditions among people with hearing impairment is their mental health.
Being cut off from the world and being unable to hear properly can be emotionally damaging and isolating.
What Research Says:
While there may be several studies that say hearing loss and mental health are directly associated, the numbers are conflicting.
Some say that as many as 19.1% of those with hearing impairment suffer from mild depression and about 11.4% report moderate to severe depression.
Take note that the likelihood for depression will increase by as much as 5% for every decrease in the hearing ability for adults less than 70 years old, according to a 2009 Internet based national survey.
A more recent study pointed out that as much as 20% of older adults with hearing impairment would be diagnosed with clinical depression.
One thing is clear, there is a connection and there must be early intervention in place to ensure that this will not persist or worsen.
It’s sad to think that people going through gradual hearing loss have to slowly withdraw themselves because they simply cannot keep up.
So, What’s The Root Cause?
While many may assume that depression and paranoia are derived from their psychosocial effects, experts argue that it is more than that.
Sometimes factors like high intelligence, social abandon and nutrient deficiency might play major role in mental illness.
When a person suffers from hearing impairment, the brain loses its capacity to process auditory signals, and this causes the brain to focus its activities to adapt.
When this happens, the neural pathways have to reorganize and alter the way they operate.
There would be an imbalance in different areas of the brain, such as memory and the regulation of depressive symptoms.
In short, the brain rewires itself due to hearing loss.
3 Things You Should Know About Helping Someone with Hearing Loss:

Based on the data discussed, treatment for hearing impairment should be done at the earliest time possible. Here are some ways you can treat it.
1. Hearing Aids.
The use of hearing aids allows individuals to process auditory cues.
This way, the brain does not have to work overtime, which decreases the need to alter neural pathways.
In fact, when used early, hearing aids can even help the brain adjust well with the auditory signals.
This is the reason why Helix Hearing Care recommends proper maintenance of hearing aids.
2. Auditory Training.
For those who want to improve how they can effectively communicate with other people, undergoing auditory rehabilitation can help mitigate the worsening of depressive symptoms.
Through different strategies, professionals can provide techniques on how they can improve their listening techniques.
This way, they don’t have to be socially withdrawn simply because they find it hard to keep up with conversations.
3. Counseling.
Aside from instituting interventions for hearing loss, individuals can also benefit from attending counseling sessions where they can talk about their feelings.
Therapy can be significant in giving people an emotional anchor to help them improve their health and wellness.
Having to live your life without one of your senses can be emotionally and mentally draining, which is why it is important to seek early intervention.