The 5 Most Common Causes of Clinical Depression


In recent years, depression rates have skyrocketed and for various reasons.

Most would naturally assume that the degrading economy, global environmental crisis, and even the current pandemic could be the leading cause for this increase in numbers.

Although, one of the most prominent reasons depression reports have increased so dramatically is the new social media trend of preaching mental health awareness.

Despite the growing trend of mental health awareness, many remain oblivious to the most common causes of clinical depression, assuming that even the most severe cases somehow develop on their own.

However, clinical depression can be caused by several factors, and these are the five most common.

5 Most Common Causes of Clinical Depression:


1. Substance Misuse.

Substances such as illegal drugs, alcohol, and even prescription drugs cause clinical depression.

The misuse of substances will cause an imbalance in the brain’s chemical production, often hindering the brain’s ability to produce serotonin.

One of our dear friends suffered from depression right after going abstinent from taking prescription drugs, that was his addiction.

Then he went to Landmark Recovery where he got the right recovery treatments and was pulled out from the common depression that usually follows when we try to get rid of our addiction.

Why depression follows when we get rid of addiction? First we need to understand what is addiction chemically inside our brain.

What is addiction? Your brain gives you a dopamine reward every time you do the compulsion, every time you follow the addiction path. Dopamine is the feel good chemical.

When you suddenly stop, your brain stops producing that much dopamine and the chemistry inside your brain is changing.

Lack of dopamine can be linked to depressive episodes. If these episodes are not guided by a professional we are at risk of developing depression.

While recovery from addiction is possible with the help of professionals for rehabilitation from addiction at an addiction help center such as Landmark Recovery, rehabilitation centers also help patients treat depression and other mental health issues linked to substance abuse.

2. Genetics.

Unfortunately, another leading cause of depression is genetics. A family history of clinical depression increases the risks of developing the condition.

However, depression is a complex illness, and therefore, in instances of genetic cases, different genes exert impacts rather than a single gene.

Genetic depression is not as straightforward to diagnose as other genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis and others.

3. Childhood Trauma.

The first seven years of life are the most important in terms of brain development and the development of personality traits.

In instances where a child has experienced trauma during formative years, their chances of developing depression later on in life increase dramatically.

Childhood trauma often includes neglect, physical abuse, and emotional or narcissistic abuse, among other painfully traumatic experiences.

In this instance, therapy is required along with medical treatment to help patients overcome the trauma.

4. Major Life Events.

Many adults develop depression after enduring a significant life change, such as losing a job, the death of a loved one, a traumatic car accident, and various other instances.

Experiencing a problematic situation can alter the chemical balance of hormones in the brain.

If left untreated, the stress of the situation can negatively impact the receptors in the brain that produce serotonin, causing clinical depression.

5. Age and Gender.

According to statistics, the elderly are at a much higher risk of developing clinical depression than people in any other age group.

And the risk increases for elderly individuals who are living alone, battling with serious illness or isolation.

Unfortunately, statistics also conclude that women are at a higher risk of developing depression.

While the exact reason remains unknown, women could be twice as likely to develop the condition due to hormonal changes experienced at various life intervals.

What You Should Remember?

If you are experiencing clinical depression, it is vital to seek help as soon as possible.

In minor cases, therapy and medication can be all that’s needed to ease the symptoms.

On the other hand, in severe cases, it is wise to opt for the extra support and care that rehabilitation centers can offer anyone suffering from clinical depression and various other conditions that affect mental wellbeing.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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