What You Need to Know If You Consider of Becoming a Nurse


Choosing your career can be challenging. And of course it is, you will spend most of your life doing that job.

For those about to start training to be a nurse, an exciting but challenging journey lies ahead.

Nursing is a rewarding profession, but to get there takes hard work and determination.

Studying to become a nurse will help you acquire the knowledge and learn the skills required to be effective at your job.

However, as medical knowledge develops and your career advances, the need to keep learning never goes away.

What You Need to Know of Becoming a Nurse:


1. Choosing a degree.

A degree is essential to start nursing.

These degrees will include a mixture of classroom learning and clinical practice to build the skills required.

There are a number of options each with their advantages and disadvantages.

An associate’s degree, ADN, typically only takes two years, making it a quick way into the workforce, as opposed to a bachelor’s degree, DND, which takes four.

However, employers may look more favorably on a candidate with a BDN as it requires a greater depth of study.

2. Passing the exam.

At the end of the degree program, the student must pass an exam to demonstrate their competency.

To become a registered nurse, the exam required is the National Council Licensure Examination, NCLEX RN. If this is not successful, candidates must wait 45 days before trying the examination again.

Once you have passed the exam, you will also need a state license. The requirements for this vary from state to state and your local state board of nursing is the best place to find out exactly what you need to do to acquire the state license.

3. The end of study and start of employment.

With a degree, an exam pass, and a state license, a registered nurse can gain employment.

Registered nurses tend to be in high demand, so it is worth considering your options carefully and choosing the hospital or other medical setting that best suits you. As a practical job, you will continue to learn and develop your skills as you start work, but this is unlikely to be the end of your studies.

Gaining additional qualifications will enhance your skills as a nurse and help you advance to higher levels of your career.

For example, if you completed an AND, you may choose to carry out another two years of study to achieve a BCN.

If you choose to advance further, a Master of Nursing, MSN, can enable you to become a nurse practitioner, a nurse anesthetist, or a nurse midwife.

What You Need to Remember?

Nursing is a demanding profession with many wondering how they can fit in further studies, particularly if, for financial reasons, taking a break from work is not an option.

For many, studying online is the best option, combining flexibility of study with expert led online classes and in person clinical placements.

Wilkes University is one establishment that provides this option for all levels of nursing study, from those just starting out to achieving a nursing PhD.

For those just starting their nursing journey, a lot of hard work lies ahead, but whatever the direction your career takes you, this study is never wasted, but will instead help you become the skilled, expert professional you aspire to become.

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