Overcoming Depression: How The Current Treatments Improve Mental Health?


Some of our unique human characteristics include our capacity to experience a wide range of emotions, such as sorrow, happiness, anxiety, and so on.

Fears, anxieties, and other emotional concerns make us human. Facial expressions and body language are big revealers of our inner emotional world and most of our communication happens exactly there. That is how we interact with one another.

There are many misconceptions when it comes to emotions, one of them is that there are positive and negative emotions. Sure, there are more pleasant and unpleasant emotions. But all emotions are on your side, all emotions are valid, and all emotions share an important message.

Our job is to hear the message. However, most of us are emotional illiterates. We react on our emotions instead of listening, and we suppress or avoid what we do not want to feel. We either trap unpleasant emotions inside, or we attach to emotions and do not let them go.

When we begin to feel too attached to one emotion, or when we hold to a specific emotions within, what happens?

Our whole reality is being colored and shaped by that emotion, or by the lack of a certain emotion that we chase. Many psychologists will tell you that unresolved grief, sadness, suppressed anger, all can lead to depression.

Some Facts About Depression:


We are faced with difficult circumstances daily and throughout our lives. If you see these kinds of events too frequently, you may experience stress.

Consider the example of a failure or defeat. We usually feel dissatisfied and saddened when we fail or lose at anything. We have difficulty falling asleep without weeping, and we may even lose our appetite when we break up with someone.

Everyone experiences sadness now and again. Constant sadness, loneliness, and fear do not occur in most people. Generally speaking, if you are always unhappy and cynical, it’s unhealthy.

Emotions often cause us to neglect day to day activities, which may make us feel unproductive. If you struggle with feelings of despair and worthlessness, it is a good idea to see the doctor.

Sometimes, when you lose interest in things you usually like, such as hobbies or careers, you should be concerned. As your energy levels drop, you may consider seeking assistance.

A depressed individual may also have symptoms such as the sensation mentioned earlier of tension, anxiety, or restlessness.

Few questions you can ask yourself:

Do you worry about the future, and are you fearful and apprehensive?

Do you experience an increase in irritability that lasts for extended periods?

Do you feel purposeless and like everything lost meaning?

For the most accurate diagnosis of depression, you may need to speak with a physician.

In the future, depression will cause significant global disabilities. A sobering assessment: in 2018, at least 970 million people had mental illness or drug addiction.

And regrettably, the figure is believed to be at least 8 million who die every year or 14.3% of all fatalities. This indicates that depression and other mental health problems are widespread and damaging.

How The Current Treatments Improve Mental Health:

When it comes to managing depression, medical therapy aims to handle the symptoms. When a patient experiences emotions of sorrow, worthlessness, and guilt, we want them to manage those sentiments.

Health care practitioners focus on improving energy levels, correcting sleep problems, and positively influencing behavior.

Today, there are many options for people dealing with mental health conditions. Sometimes, these treatments even go together with anorexia and bulimia recovery programs, since these food disorders go together with depression and anxiety.

But it wasn’t like this in the past:

Mentally ill people had to deal with much more than the illness at first. They were imprisoned and exorcised because they were believed to be possessed by demons. People began to feel indifferent ideas to attempt to explain the disease’s symptoms.

Asylums were eventually constructed to shelter and cure mentally ill individuals. However, the disease’s treatment was dubious in the past.

Antidepressants were discovered in 1957, just after WWII.

In vivo services were credited with the development of medicine. Antidepressants and antipsychotics stopped the harsh treatment of mental health patients.

Sadly, the stigma around depression and mental health is far from gone. A chemical imbalance is one of the causes of depression and other mental health issues in the brain.

Depression patients have low serotonin levels, a hormone that helps regulate pleasure, well being, and mood. In addition, it aids in digestion, sleep, and food consumption. If you have low levels of serotonin, you will have sleep problems, sadness, and anxiety.

Medical practitioners often prescribe selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors to assist patients with major depressive disorder, SSRI.

Escitalopram, dapoxetine, and citalopram are some examples of SSRI. Fluoxetine, a commonly prescribed antidepressant, has been given to treat OCD, panic attacks, depression, and other illnesses.

Mixed approach:

New research suggests that medicine plus counseling may be more successful at treating symptoms of depression and other mental health problems than using just one method.

In selecting the therapy type, keep in mind the severity of the symptoms. How much does their presence in the patient’s life affect their everyday activities?

It’s also important to keep in mind the benefits of treatment. Studies have revealed that about 50% of people who have a mental illness do not respond well to therapy alone.

Mental health of the individual is vital to the collective:

Mental health is as vital to overall health as any other component.

For human beings to think, emote, connect with one other, and make a livelihood, mental health is critical.

It may be said that mental health promotion, protection, and restoration are essential priorities for people, communities, and societies throughout the globe.

But it is still a long way to go for many people in the world, hopefully, the future will be brighter with newer and better treatments.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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