Find Life Coach | Meet Jennifer Evans: How to Live Life Free of Overwhelm and Anxiety?


Jennifer Evans is one of the coaches we found and we did a little interview with her. She impressed us with her coaching approach that almost looks like going on a vacation but the benefits that you get out of it make your life feel as a vacation. Here is what she said.

Meet Life Coach Jennifer Evans:


Name: Jennifer Evans
Pillar: The Heart
Who is this coach for: Mostly women who want to live more free life, free from anxiety, overwhelm and worry, filled with self love and happiness.
How they can help: Specially designed techniques for relieving anxiety, opening the heart and elevating the emotional state.

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these Pandemic times?

Myself and my partner live in Italy which had very strict lockdown rules, in the first 3 months we weren’t even able to go for a walk, just to the local shop for groceries.

We made the most of it, focusing on keeping ourselves healthy and uplifted, enjoying the peace and tranquillity, discovering new interests and hobbies.

Things are opening up here now, including travel, so I am very excited about offering Personalized Solo Retreats and Group Retreats here in the Green Heart of Italy.

How does the coronavirus pandemic affect your clients? Did it affect you at all?

I found there has been both uplifting and challenging effects with clients, depending on the specific issues they were dealing with, and where they were in their journey.

Whatever underlying issues my clients were having, the pandemic amplified and brought them up to the surface, giving an opportunity to be healed and released.

It has been a privilege to support, encourage and inspire my clients through the pandemic, helping them release and transform fear, worry, upset, judgement and uncertainty. Helping them heal and move through the rollercoaster of emotions and feelings.

Providing tools to feel calm and grounded, uplifted and energised, connected and present. As well as how to create more fun and enjoyment whether they were on their own or in a family unit.

Through the pandemic, my clients have created deeper connections and compassionate in their relationships with more communication, love and understanding.

They have gained more clarity and focus about what they want in life and how to get there, they are excited and curious about the future and all the possibilities available to them.

The pandemic and lockdown have given me the opportunity to deepen my connection with my partner, family, myself and with nature, as well as focus on the vision for my business.

What are the biggest lessons that you learned in this pandemic?

Life is precious and to make the most of what we have, truly appreciating it and live with as much love, compassion and joy as possible.

The Origin:

Tell us about you, your career, how you started with your coaching career?

It was a natural progression and a calling for me, I remember wanting to help others at a very early age, easing my Mum’s migraines through touch.

Due to ridicule from others, I suppressed my healing abilities because I wanted to fit in with the norm.

Finally, after 15 years in the Corporate world, I listened to my instincts and started my holistic practice in 2004 as a Certified Reflexologist. I continued adding healing modalities, including: Aromatherapy and Indian Head Massage, Reiki, Meditation and more.

As my intuition developed and became stronger my role naturally evolved into coaching clients.

I have and continue to invest time, money, and energy into my personal and spiritual development as well as my coaching practice, studying with leading spiritual masters, teachers and experts.

What was your biggest obstacle that you had to overcome in your life that made you who you are today?

Like most of us, I have experienced many obstacles, I realized I was my biggest obstacle, I used to look outside of myself for things to be different, until I realized it was me that needed to change.

Low Self Esteem, affected me in so many ways, and created negative patterns, always looking to others for approval, lacking healthy boundaries and making questionable relationship choices which were unfulfilling and ended painfully.

Self doubt and feeling overwhelmed, held me back in business more than I thought.

Procrastination, worrying about what others might think, not knowing where to start all kept me stuck in my business for several years.

The Coaching Style:

How do you innovate with coaching your clients?

Some of the key areas where I innovate include:

Activating possibility within my clients, it’s one of my superpowers, by using powerful insight, perspective and systematic questions designed to activate what’s possible.

With this process I help women visualize and feel what their life could be, versus feeling stuck and unfulfilled.

What their ideal life looks like: in their relationships, their careers or business, their health, lifestyle and finances.

Unlocking and transforming the hidden beliefs and obstacles which get in their way, clients actually feel a shift in their body as they let go of the old and create space for the new.

Reconnecting clients back to the heart of who they truly are, and what lights them up.

Tuning them into their inner guidance system, intuition and wisdom, including what their feelings and body are communicating with them.

If you are curious to find out more, I would be happy to send you further information, feel free to contact me via the link to my website below.

What’s unique about your coaching approach?

To understand my unique approach, it’s helpful to gain some insight into who I am and share a little about me.

Those closest to me have described me as a freedom seeker, lover of life, adventurer and activator for what’s possible.

Both loved ones and clients know me to be wise, insightful, intuitive, inspirational as well compassionate, loving and fun.

My approach is uplifting with loads of encouragement, inspiration, and play. Clients, experience plenty of “ahaa” moments and profound insights.

I was born in the UK and worked across Europe and North America for over 15 years, which has been quite the adventure. I moved back to the UK 8 years ago with 2 suitcases, 2 divorces, $2,000 and my dog!

I finally met my perfect mate and we have been living together for 4 years, moving to Italy in 2019 living the dream!

What I offer my clients is a unique experience which includes a VIP customized Solo Retreat along with a Personalized Coaching Package.

The Solo Retreat element is in the breath taking Green Heart of Italy, the perfect place to get away from it all, to reset, restore, reconnect and refresh your soul.

The Coaching element is crafted for the clients individual needs to bring them their desired results, incorporating my unique A.R.C.S method, Awaken, Release, Connect, Soar. A transformative system that I created, taking clients on a metamorphic journey full of clarity and self discovery.

What benefits do your clients get after working with you?

Clients who are invested and committed to their transformation walk away with a life they didn’t think was possible for them, a life free of worry, anxiety and overwhelm, free of self doubt and low self esteem.

Of course, there will be times when they are triggered or out of sorts, I still very occasionally feel overwhelmed or out of sorts myself, we are human after all. However, they have all the tools and techniques to transform and move through it quickly.

My clients feel filled with self worth, self love and self confidence, they feel whole and complete like they have arrived home.

They are in a position to flourish in all aspects of life, personal wellbeing, relationships, career, business and finances and live a life they love.

Do you use any specific tools to be efficient with your clients?

Yes, I have many, and it depends on the needs of each individual client, I use a combination of the very best practical proven tools, techniques, and spiritual principles, to elevate the clients emotional, spiritual and physical state of being.

From deep relaxation tools to help sleep or soothe anxiety in minutes to tools for creating clarity, focus and action, as well as tools to create a healthy work and life balance.

All the techniques I use are simple, highly effective and designed to bring my clients the results they desire and help them flourish in all areas of life.

The Impact:

If you had a super megaphone that, when you speak into, the whole world will hear your message, what would you say?

Life doesn’t have to be hard, stressful or a struggle, you always have a choice and options, there is always support and solutions, you don’t have to do it alone.

You get to choose how you live your life, and as simplistic and fluffy as it might sound by going within and following your heart you will find the magic of life. You will find your Treasure!

What is the greatest lesson you have learned in your life?

One of the greatest lessons, is understanding that life is a gift and we are all unique with a unique gift to offer.

We are already worthy of love and we are designed to flourish in life.

One of my favorite quotes ”Where ever your heart is there you will find your treasure” by Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist.

Your final thoughts?

Investing in myself and my business was the best thing I could have done. I am filled with self love and self belief, and have unlocked unlimited possibilities, I can now be a far better contribution to others.

I live my dream life, A Life I Love
 so why not You?

If any of this resonates with you, I invite you to discover more and click on the link below for my website. I am also happy to answer any questions you may have regarding transforming your life.

Where Can You Find Jennifer Evans?

If this interview made you want to dive deeper into ZenJen’s work feel free to visit her website at ZenJen.

Make sure to check out her retreat video and see the beauty of Italy and its Nature, where your potential coaching might occur.

It was an honor having this interview with her.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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