Find Life Coach | Meet Georgina Halabi: How to be Happy and Successful?


Georgina Halabi is one of the coaches we found and we did a little interview with her. She impressed us with her “playing big” mindset. But she is not a regular coach, this is her purpose in life. And when she dives into her powers, oh boy. Here is what she said.

Meet Life Coach Georgina Halabi:


Name: Georgina Halabi
Pillar: The Mind
Who is this coach for: Anyone who wants to overcome doubt, maximize their performance, get in flow and connect with their greatness.
How they can help: By resolving and aligning conflicting internal tensions that hinder personal and professional growth, and establishing self connection and trust.

First of all, how are you and your family doing in these Pandemic times?

Very well. We found that lockdown was a wonderful opportunity to indulge in our inner introverts, whilst spending quality family time together.

I used it as a chance to let go of my day job, dive into my coaching career and embark on a strenuous path of self exploration and growth.

We moved from Singapore in July of this year, put our kids into new schools and my oldest daughter promptly caught covid.

Thankfully she had very few symptoms, and surprisingly, loved being in isolation for a week. As a teenager with ADD, suddenly all the social and performance pressure was off, and she had time to just relax and be.

How does the coronavirus pandemic affect your clients? Did it affect you at all?

Some of my clients were laid off, or put on furlough.

Others had careers that were well suited and managed the turbulence easily.

Most of them accepted the new reality of working from home, although peace of mind was often an issue during lock down, managing kids, workload and lots of other stresses that came with the uncertainty and fear.

Luckily a lot of my work involves creating the headspace needed for optimal performance and wellbeing, so it was timely and relevant.

Everybody suddenly took to zoom, instead of meeting face to face, which allowed me to take on clients from all over the world including Australia, Asia, South America and Europe.

The pandemic actually helped my business. I left behind a day job with a monthly pay check, and threw myself into coaching full time and never looked back.

I made the time to hire a coach and do the inner work needed to counter my beliefs and assumptions that I couldn’t charge full rates when people were being laid off.

I leaned into, and busted through my own money blocks and ended up hitting my financial targets with ease. This was something I also worked through with my clients, and their own beliefs about circumstantial limitations.

What are the biggest lessons that you learned in this pandemic?

That good things can come out of bad things.

The pandemic changed my life and I will look back on it as a time of growth.

I hired a coach, and did the work. I am amazed at how far my business has come as a result.

Oh and how much coaching works?

It’s amazing to have the privilege of doing this work.

The Origin:

Tell us about you, your career, how you started with your coaching career?

I was in a board meeting about 3 years ago when I felt myself float out my body and ask myself “what am I doing here? I’m not saving lives, or helping anyone, why am I in this job?”

As soon as I had the thought, I knew I had to make a move in my career.

So, I booked a coffee with my friend Avalyn Lim, Coach and “career adventurist”, and asked her to share her own journey of transitioning careers.

When she told me about coaching, I remember thinking “really? You can make money doing this? I’ve been doing this my whole life!”

Within a week, I’d registered in coaching school, studying alongside my day job until the pandemic hit. By this time, I already had a few clients and knew that coaching was 100% for me.

I told my day job that I was stepping down but was happy to coach the company instead. They took me up on my offer on a part time basis, whilst I focussed on growing my business.

What was your biggest obstacle that you had to overcome in your life that made you who you are today?

This is something that I don’t normally share as it’s quite “woo woo”, and many of my clients are very rational.

I have always had a very strong sense of intuition and clairesentience, and feel honored to have seen inside quite a few people’s minds and souls over the course of my life.

I believe this capability is channelled, it’s a universal energy, and is accessible when I’m truly aligned and connected with myself.

About 18 years ago, before I moved from the UK to Singapore, a work colleague asked me to volunteer for hypnosis as part of her credentialling practice.

We did a past life regression and what I experienced scared the pants off me.

I re lived a past life traumatic event, and felt a flood of rage erupt from my solar plexus. My colleague didn’t have the training at this stage to resolve or integrate the trauma, and so I was left with a very deep fear of my own powers and a fear of anger in general.

This promptly shut down my ability to access my vibes. I felt disconnected and lost.

I’ve been on my own journey to get back to that beautiful feeling of trust in the universe that I used to take for granted, and to “reconnect” with myself, knowing this is the first and only place where meaningful work can be done.

This is my “why”, my purpose.

I help people who feel their own sense of separation and doubt, to build up that self connection and trust again. I help them tap into their inner wisdom and greatness.

The Coaching Style:

How do you innovate with coaching your clients?

One of my core beliefs is “I don’t have to be original. I can be myself, and that’s enough” as I have a tendency towards hyper achievement and the need to “perform.”

A lot of my inner work has been getting out of my own head so I can powerfully serve without putting myself in the picture.

I take a moment before each coaching session to mentally step into my “higher self” and I also get my clients to agree to this too.

This means we both have to show up from a space of non judgmental awareness, with a more expansive perspective that allows for exploration, creativity and possibility. No playing small!

When we’re in this frame of mind, innovation and creativity comes naturally. It’s being in the moment and open to all possibilities.

What’s unique about your coaching approach?

My own life journey has allowed me to synthesize the logical and the intuitive, using a whole brain approach to help my clients.

Left brain: I have 25 years of commercial, creative and strategic expertise, plus a deep understanding of the workings of the mind. I’m a life long meditator, I’ve studied the foundations of buddhism up to the level of a novice monk, and I am passionate about neuroscience.

Right brain: meditation, visualization, manifestation, NLP have always been tools that I have used as part of my own practice, even before becoming a coach. For example, I used self hypnosis when having my 2 daughters, and goal visualization throughout my career.

What benefits do your clients get after working with you?

The main goal is around maintaining outer success and inner peace.

There are 3 main benefits and outcomes we work to achieve:

1. Headspace, a feeling of calm, confident presence even through the most challenging times.

2. Clarity and prioritized focus, the ability to channel their time and energy more effectively and purposefully.

3. Peak performance and flow.

Do you use any specific tools to be efficient with your clients?

I have so many tools that I have integrated over the course of my life.. where to begin?

I find NLP incredibly impactful, and that Positive Intelligence is amazing for helping people understand their own self talk and step into their Sage selves.

It’s so in line with the work that I do, that I’m doing my accreditation to become a Positive Intelligence coach at the moment.

The Impact:

If you had a super megaphone that, when you speak into, the whole world will hear your message, what would you say?

Don’t believe your own stories, you are enough!

You have everything you need within you!

What is the greatest lesson you have learned in your life?

Not to believe our own narratives!

Half the time, it’s our ego trying to protect ourselves.

And the fear of suffering is often worse than the suffering itself.

Also, if in doubt about anything, go within, you’ll have all the answers you need.

Your final thoughts?

Stop doing, and start being!

Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in all the activity of building a coaching business, that it becomes frantic, exhausting and overwhelming.

We serve better when we take the time to care for ourselves, and do the self reflective work that helps us truly serve our clients from a more authentically informed space. That means taking time for ourselves and prioritizing this.

Where Can You Find Georgina Halabi?

If you liked this interview and you would love to get to know more about her work make sure to go on her website and you will learn everything you want to know about this wonderful human. You can also check her video.

You can always sense when the coach is truly dedicated to their work. This is definitely the case. It was an honor having this interview with her.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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