4 Smart Tips for Boosting Your Strength Training that Your Trainer Doesn’t Tell You


Building up your strength with muscle and resistance training is the quickest way to see massive results in your physique.

The more muscle that you have the more calories you burn at rest. This means that if you boost your strength training, you will start to burn up fat even when you are just sitting on the couch watching TV.

There are some things to keep in mind if you want to boost your strength training.

The most important is that you don’t overdo it. It can cause injury taking you away from your training altogether.

Use these four tips from the experts to boost your strength training safely.

4 Tips for Boosting Your Strength Training:


1. Add weight slowly.

It can be tempting to see just how much weight you can physically lift. The problem is that if you don’t have a good form you can tear muscle tissue.

Also, when you lift weights heavier than you should, or increase the intensity too quickly, you are losing out on working the foundational muscle fibers.

Each time you lift weights you are slowly tearing your muscles open. When you rest and you feel that pain, it is your muscles building and repairing themselves.

The pain is a sign that your muscles are getting stronger, but you shouldn’t be too sore afterward. If you cannot move or lift your coffee, you have pushed yourself too hard.

2. Supplement wisely.

Supplements are highly beneficial if you have any deficiencies from your diet, or if you strength train more than three times a week.

Some natural sources of proteins and nutrients can help to boost your strength training by increasing your lean muscle gains each time you work out.

If you are considering exercise boosting supplements, turkesterone could be an option. Made from a bioactive compound in the Ajuga Turkestanica plant, a concentrated extract can help to support muscle growth and improve post training aches and pains.

3. Breath properly.

Holding your breath as you lift weights can impede your strength training. Your breathing significantly impacts your performance.

Think about when you get a stitch from running. This happens because your muscles are contracting, putting pressure on your organs including your diaphragm. The continuous jolting pulls on your ligaments, causing a painful stitch.

The standard and safe way to breathe during your training is to exhale when you tense your body and inhale when it’s relaxed.

If you are performing high intensity strength training with some cardio, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

4. Fewer muscle group per session.

You should be aiming for at least three days of strength training a week.

It’s best to avoid exercising more than two muscle groups in one session.

Change it up a bit by working your back and shoulders on one day, chest and arms the second day, and legs, and abs on the third.

The advantage of this is that during your recovery period, only one part of your body will be sore.

If you work out your whole body on the same day, for instance, you risk not being rested enough for the next session. Rather perform shorter, higher intensity workouts on single muscle groups each session, so that you have a few days or even a week before you have to exercise that muscle group again.

For those of you that like to work out more often, make sure that you have a minimum of two full days of rest before exercising the same muscles.

What you should remember?

Building muscle is part of a healthy lifestyle and the more muscle you have the better your metabolism works.

Take precautions when strength training with these smart tips to get the best results out of every workout session.

I help people upgrade their Spirit, Mind, Body, Heart to become the best version of themselves! After 10 years of writing, coaching and collaborating with top coaches from all around the world I have learned the best secrets to help you unleash your full potential! You can be a Superhuman! Write me at [email protected] if you have any direct question! Much Love!
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