3 Things to Ponder So You Can Enter your Own Season of Spring


By Dr. Dolores Fazzino, DNP, Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, and Energy Whisperer.

My favorite season of the year is spring.

The emerging blooming flowers signify a birth of a new beginning after a long period of stillness, hibernation, and solitude.

There is a pep in the step and things seem to be moving faster and manifestations are creating miraculously quickly.

It’s as if all you have to do is think or speak about it and it is occurring before the train of thought or sentence is complete.

It’s kind of funny how that is, or is it really?

Maybe we are rebirthing ourselves into a new timeline or even a new era, a magical one on possibility.

Maybe this is the way things are in reality, and I have awoken from a lifelong slumber of living in an illusion, now I am awaking in a new reality that I have no reference point for.

Usually that would have been an uncomfortable and scary place for me, not being in control. Now I feel  refreshed, exhilarated, and alive. A new experience for me.

Wake Up!

This reminds me of the American folktale by Washington Irving, Rip Van Winkle.

Rip falls into a deep sleep after drinking an elixir offered to him by a group of dwarfs. He awakens 20 years later to find a completely different world from the one he left when he went to sleep.

Many believe that the moral of the story is that if you sleep too long the world will pass you by. I have a different perspective.

Of course, I did not drink an elixir like Rip did. Maybe I was given a different elixir called amnesia when I was born, so that I could find my way and wake up to my true essence and sovereignty as a human being.

I believe I have been asleep for many decades of my life as I have reconnected with my inner knowingness of who I am.

At this beautiful season of spring, I have blossomed and come alive into a different reality.

Whatever that is, I want more of it, the being alive and real part, feeling highly alive, connected, observant and being totally in the present moment, how exciting is this? It is beyond words. Its as if nothing else matters and all that matters is who I am and how I am acting in the moment.

Maybe this is what we call jumping timelines or quantum shifts.

How to Wake Yourself Up to your Own Season of Spring:


Our personal perceptions of reality can create what we experience.

As each of us continues to evolve, awaken from our life of slumber (illusion, control, and escape), and become our true authentic sovereign selves, which is our divine birthright, we are able to experience the inward reflection of who we are at our soul level.

Most importantly we can create the life we envision.

3 things to ponder:

What makes you come alive and bloom?

Am I experiencing a rebirth of my soul?

How am I going to move forward?

Only you can answer these questions for yourself.

I encourage you to sit with and reflect upon these questions and journal, draw, or create whatever you discover.

What you uncover may surprise and delight you!

If you want help with any of this, make sure to reach out to me.

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Dr. Dolores Fazzino, DNP is a Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Energy Whisperer, an International Amazon Best Selling Author, TV, Podcast, and Radio host. With over 45 years-experience in the healthcare industry, Dr. Fazzino believes healing is a multi-faceted process. After witnessing the miraculous healing of her father’s physical condition as a young adult, Dr. Fazzino has dedicated her life to assist people to Heal In Ways They Never Thought Possible. Dr. Dolores takes us beyond the mind-body paradigm to include spirituality in wellness and assisting her clients to unravel the energetic discord in their life. Known as the “Energy Whisperer,” her gifts, customized programs and strategies assist her clients to move through life challenges, and reconnecting with their inner self with grace and ease, creating lasting health and true wellness. She is the author of 5 books, two which are Amazon International Best Sellers. Her latest book “Your Amazing Itty Bitty Healing in Ways You Never Thought Possible Book” became an Amazon Best Seller October 2022. Dr. Dolores Fazzino is the host of The Dr Dolores Show, a TV, Radio, Podcast with Inspired Choices Network (ICN) streaming to over 300 platforms globally. Contact her at: 760-579-2440
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